jwh zero eighteen (cannabinoid drug)
third report
¤¤,,,,¤¤,, ,¤,,¤,,¤¤¤
,,¤,,,¤,¤, ¤¤¤,¤¤,¤,,
,,¤¤,,¤¤¤¤ i felt the all too familiar ,,,¤¤,¤¤¤,
,,¤,¤,¤,,, constriction of everything, the ,,,¤,¤¤,,¤
¤,¤¤¤¤¤¤,, vividness of sound and colors, and the ,,,¤¤¤,¤,¤
,¤¤,,,,,¤, narrowed attention span. ¤,,¤,,¤¤¤¤
¤¤,¤,,,,¤¤ ,¤,¤¤,¤,,,
¤,¤¤¤,,,¤, here it comes, i thought. ¤¤¤¤,¤¤¤,,
¤¤¤,,¤,,¤¤ ,,,,¤¤,,¤,
¤,,¤,¤¤,¤, some birds tweeted and the sound ,,,,¤,¤,¤¤
,¤,¤¤¤,¤¤¤ reverberated in my head, seemingly ,,,,¤¤¤¤¤,
,¤¤¤,,¤¤,, "behind" all other sound, like when you ¤,,,¤,,,,¤
¤¤,,¤,¤,¤, daydream and see what you imagine ¤¤,,¤¤,,,¤
,,¤,¤¤¤¤¤¤ clearer than what you look at. ,,¤,¤,¤,,¤
¤,¤¤¤,,,,, ,,¤¤¤¤¤¤,¤
,¤¤,,¤,,,, as i walked toward my bike i noticed ¤,¤,,,,,¤¤
¤¤,¤,¤¤,,, that there was a strange humming sound ,¤¤¤,,,,¤,
¤,¤¤¤¤,¤,, going on, a dark, metallic, drone-like ,¤,,¤,,,¤¤
,¤¤,,,¤¤¤, monotone thing coming from seemingly ,¤¤,¤¤,,¤,
,¤,¤,,¤,,¤ all directions, acting as a backdrop ¤¤,¤¤,¤,¤¤
¤¤¤¤¤,¤¤,¤ for all other sound. ,,¤¤,¤¤¤¤,
¤,,,,¤¤,¤¤ ¤,¤,¤¤,,,¤
,¤,,,¤,¤¤, as i rode toward my house i understood ,¤¤¤¤,¤,,¤
¤¤¤,,¤¤¤,¤ that this hum was in the other "sound ¤¤,,,¤¤¤,¤
,,,¤,¤,,¤¤ space" as well. ¤,¤,,¤,,¤¤
¤,,¤¤¤¤,¤, ,¤¤¤,¤¤,¤,
¤¤,¤,,,¤¤¤ (i recorded myself singing in tune with ,¤,,¤¤,¤¤¤
,,¤¤¤,,¤,, the sound, so i could find it on the ,¤¤,¤,¤¤,,
,,¤,,¤,¤¤, piano later. it was a g sharp). ,¤,¤¤¤¤,¤,
,,¤¤,¤¤¤,¤ ¤¤¤¤,,,¤¤¤
¤,¤,¤¤,,¤¤ ¤,,,¤,,¤,,
¤¤===;~::, ,::~;===¤¤
@@@¤$=;~:, ,:~;=$¤@@@
##@¤$=;~:, things lost all sense of proportion; ,:~;=$¤@##
##@¤$=;~:, when i looked at them they would fill ,:~;=$¤@##
#@@¤$=;~:, my entire vision, and without anything ,:~;=$¤@@#
¤¤¤¤$=;~:, changing visually they would oscillate ,:~;=$¤¤¤¤
##@¤$=;~:, between being percieved as very small ,:~;=$¤@##
##@¤$=;~:, or enourmously big. ,:~;=$¤@##
#¤=~~,,,,, ,,,,,~~=¤#
###¤$=;~:, in the middle of the day in a forest ,:~;=$¤###
¤==~~~,,,, with nobody around, i got struck by ,,,,~~~==¤
###@¤$=~:, fear and climbed a great height. my ,:~=$¤@###
@$$=~~,,,, inner organs were tugged by a second ,,,,~~=$$@
¤=~:,,,,,, gravity. this made me feel very ill, ,,,,,,:~=¤
¤==~~~~::, but it lessened if i complied and ,::~~~~==¤
@$====;~:, lunged my body in the felt direction. ,:~;====$@
¤¤$$=;::,, ,,::;=$$¤¤
#@$;:::,,, this is when i found a dark orb ,,,:::;$@#
@¤===~~~:, ,:~~~===¤@
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