......,~=@ @=~,......
.,~==@@@@# #@@@@==~,.
.,~===@@@@ @@@@===~,.
.....,~=@@ @@=~,.....
.,~==@@@@# #@@@@==~,.
.,~==@@@@# #@@@@==~,.
.,~==@@@## speed hole ##@@@==~,.
.,~==@@@@# =====.==== #@@@@==~,.
.,~==@@@@@ @@@@@==~,.
.,~==@@@@# turn your walkman like a turtle. there #@@@@==~,.
....,,=@@@ might be something there that looks @@@=,,....
.,~==@@@@# like a screw hole but it could be a #@@@@==~,.
.,~==@@@@# speed hole. #@@@@==~,.
.,~==@@@@@ the rule is if you can't get a @@@@@==~,.
.,~==@@@@# reasonably small screwdriver in there, #@@@@==~,.
.,~==@@@@# it's not a screw hole. #@@@@==~,.
.....~=@@@ @@@=~.....
.,~==@@@## @ usage @ ##@@@==~,.
.,~==@@@@@ @@@@@==~,.
.,~==@@@## use the speed hole like a screw hole ##@@@==~,.
.,~==@@@## but with a tinier screwdriver ##@@@==~,.
.,~==@@@## ##@@@==~,.
.,~==@@@@@ @ this @ @@@@@==~,.
.,~==@@@@# @ adjusts @ #@@@@==~,.
......~=@@ # the # @@=~......
.....,==@@ .@ pitch @. @@==,.....
.,~==@@@@@ @@@@@==~,.
.,~==@@@@# some cassette players have speed screws #@@@@==~,.
....,~~=@@ but no holes for them. to get to those @@=~~,....
.....~~~=@ screws you need to dissasemble the @=~~~.....
......~=@@ whole thing. could be worth it @@=~......
.,~==@@@@# #@@@@==~,.
.....~===@ @===~.....
.....,~==@ @==~,.....
.,~==@@@@@ @@@@@==~,.
.,~==@@@@@ @@@@@==~,.