Fat Cap                 
 In Gardens Among Stones  Along The River 
 Grows The  Mushroom.  Between Ferns  And 
 Horsemint Grows  The Mushroom. Along The 
 Creek,  With  A  Reddish Cap  And  White 
 Stem And Quirky Gleam In Its  Eyes Grows 
               The Mushroom.              
 I  Am  Dreaming. A Package Has  Arrived. 
 Through  The  Park I  Go  To  Pick It Up 
 From A Bitter Lady.  A  Slot In  A Wall, 
 Lady Inside, Me  Outside  With  The Rest 
              Of The World.               
 Delivered Is A  Ny fat cap, A Nozzle (Or 
       "Cap") For Spray Paint Cans.       
 Through Young  Forest,  Thin And Rubbery 
 Whips Shoot Up From The Earth.  Kirskale 
    Around My Feet. Concrete Trenches,    
 Abandoned  Gray Walls. I Shall  Try  The 
             New Nozzle Here.             
 The  Paint  Inside  Comes Out,  It Comes 
 Like A  Massage Shower, It  Comes Like A 
 Thick And  Slow Beam.  Rich With Red And 
               Gooey Paint.               
 Doesn'T  Hit  Anything. It  Keeps  Going 
 And   Never  Reaches   The  Walls.  It'S 
 Forever  Falling, But  Nothing  Will  Be 
            I Think To Myself:            
        "New york Fat cap" Is Weird