,,~=$£@@## ##@@£$=~,,
,,,~=$£@@# #@@£$=~,,,
,,,,~=$£@@ @@£$=~,,,,
,,,,,~=$£@ @£$=~,,,,,
,,,,,,~=$£ £$=~,,,,,,
,,,,,,,~=$ ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, $=~,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,~= the alvar fields =~,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,~ £££#@#@#@#@#@£££ ~,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, from north to south, thirty odd ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,, kilometers. from west to east, four ,,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,,~ thousand meters. from topsoil to stone, ~,,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,~= a foot or two. no roots can fester, no =~,,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,~=$ dust can linger. $=~,,,,,,,
,,,,,,~=$£ £$=~,,,,,,
,,,,,~=$£@ here is earth, clay, and sturdy low @£$=~,,,,,
,,,,~=$£@@ plants. bushes frame the strip. the @@£$=~,,,,
,,,~=$£@@# earth is bare in patches as large as #@@£$=~,,,
,,~=$£@@## you and me. ##@@£$=~,,
,,,~=$£@@# #@@£$=~,,,
,,,,~=$£@@ cross it to get to the ocean, or don't @@£$=~,,,,
,,,,,~=$£@ to stay where you are. @£$=~,,,,,
,,,,,,~=$£ £$=~,,,,,,
,,,,,,,~=$ $=~,,,,,,,
,,,,,,,,~= =~,,,,,,,,
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