,~==*$@@@@ @@@@$*==~,
,~==*$@@## ##@@$*==~,
,~==*$@@## ##@@$*==~,
,,,==*$$@# #@$$*==,,,
,~==*$@@## ##@@$*==~,
,~====$@@@ opposer.dream @@@$====~,
,~==*$@@## ======================================== ##@@$*==~,
,,,,,~=*@@ @@*=~,,,,,
,~==***@@@ intrinsically weaved within the space @@@***==~,
,~==*$@@@@ between what the brain constructs and @@@@$*==~,
,,,,,,,=*@ the real, the space which we usually @*=,,,,,,,
,~==*$@@## call the aether, distortions, ##@@$*==~,
,~==*$@@## anomalies, can appear under ##@@$*==~,
,~==****@@ circumstances, peculiar ones, folded in @@****==~,
,,,,~=*$@# like liquid crystals, appearing as if #@$*=~,,,,
,,,,~==*$@ you suddenly rotate your head in some @$*==~,,,,
,,,,==$$$@ fourth dimension (usually more or less @$$$==,,,,
,,,~=*$$@# uncomfortable) #@$$*=~,,,
,~==*$@@## ##@@$*==~,
,,,,==***@ the opposer looks like a concave square @***==,,,,
,~==*$@@## balancing on a corner, with round ##@@$*==~,
,,,===**$@ cutouts along its edges making it look @$**===,,,
,,,~===$@# like a pointy cross, or something from #@$===~,,,
,,,,,,==$@ twewy @$==,,,,,,
,,,===**@# #@**===,,,
,,,~~=*$@# it's hostile, maybe not conscious but #@$*=~~,,,
,,,,~==*$@ active, perceiving, alive in some @$*==~,,,,
,~==**$@@@ sense. but i feel as if that might be a @@@$**==~,
,~==*$@@## reduction, that i'm interpreting the ##@@$*==~,
,~==*$@@## tip of something much larger and alien ##@@$*==~,
,,,~==*@@@ to me. maybe not alive, then, but @@@*==~,,,
,,,,,~=$@@ something worse. @@$=~,,,,,
,~==*$@@@# #@@@$*==~,
,,,,,,==*@ @*==,,,,,,
,,,,,,==$@ ~ @$==,,,,,,
,~==*$@@## = ##@@$*==~,
,,,,~=*$$@ ,, ** ,, @$$*=~,,,,
,~==*$@@## ======,,, *** ,,===, ##@@$*==~,
,~==*$@@## ===,, =$$$ ,,,,,== ##@@$*==~,
,,,,===*$@ == @@@@= =, @$*===,,,,
,~==*@@### ,= =@@@@@@ , ###@@*==~,
,~==*$@@## @@@= = ##@@$*==~,
,~====$$@# == # #@$$====~,
,~=*$@@### ===@@@====*###* =@======~ ###@@$*=~,
,,,~~=*$$@ ~~~=$$$@@== *####=====@@$$$***=~~~ @$$*=~~,,,
,~=*$@@### = =#= @$===~ ###@@$*=~,
,,,,,,=*@# =@= = #@*=,,,,,,
,,,~=*$@@@ ,= =@@@@@= @@@$*=~,,,
,~==*$@@## == =@@@@$ =, ##@@$*==~,
,,~~~==*$@ ,==, $$$ ==, @$*==~~~,,
,~==*$@@## ====,,,, **= ,,====== ##@@$*==~,
,,,,~~~=*@ == ,,,,, @*=~~~,,,,
,,~~~=**$@ = @$**=~~~,,
,~==*$@@## ~ ##@@$*==~,
,~==*$@@## ##@@$*==~,
,,,~~~=*@@ various forms like these @@*=~~~,,,
,,,,,=*@@# #@@*=,,,,,
,,,~===$@# *#* #@$===~,,,
,~==*$@@## ,@##@= ##@@$*==~,
,~==*$@@## ~$$~ ##@@$*==~,
,~==*$@@## ~~ ##@@$*==~,
,,,===*$$@ ~, @$$*===,,,
,~==*$@@## ,~ ##@@$*==~,
,,~~~==$$@ ~~ @$$==~~~,,
,,,,,~=*$@ ~$$~ @$*=~,,,,,
,,,,,=*@@@ , ,=@##@=, , @@@*=,,,,,
,~==*$@@## *#@*=~,, ~,,~=*@######@*=~,, ~,,~=*@#* ##@@$*==~,
,,,,,=**@@ *##@*=~,,~ ,,~=*@######@*=~,,~ ,,~=*@##* @@**=,,,,,
,~==*@@### =, ,=@##@=, ,= ###@@*==~,
,~==*$@@@@ ~$$~ @@@@$*==~,
,,,,==*$@@ ~~ @@$*==,,,,
,~==*$@@## ~, ##@@$*==~,
,~==*$@@## ,~ ##@@$*==~,
,~==*$@@## ~~ ##@@$*==~,
,~==*$@@## ~$$~ ##@@$*==~,
,~==*$@@@@ =@##@, @@@@$*==~,
,~==*$@@## *#* ##@@$*==~,
,~==*$@@## ##@@$*==~,
,~==*$@@## it morphs ##@@$*==~,
,~==*$@@## ##@@$*==~,
,~==**$$@# # #@$$**==~,
,~==*$@@## # ##@@$*==~,
,,,~~~==$@ ##= @$==~~~,,,
,~==*$$$$@ =@@@= @$$$$*==~,
,~==*$@@## =@$=$$==@= ##@@$*==~,
,,,,~==$@@ == ** === @@$==~,,,,
,~==*$@@## ~== ##@@$*==~,
,~==*$@@## === ##@@$*==~,
,,,,~==**@ == ,~~~~~, $== @**==~,,,,
,~==*$@@## *==@== =~===~~,,,,,~~==~~ =@@== ##@@$*==~,
,,,==*$$$@ **##@@@$$=~~~=~~,, ,,~~=~~~*$$@@@@####** @$$$*==,,,
,~====*@@@ ==@= ,~~~~~, ==@@==** @@@*====~,
,~==*$@@## = ,==== $= ##@@$*==~,
,,~~====$@ == @$====~~,,
,~==*$@@## $$= * =$$= ##@@$*==~,
,,,,,~=$$@ =$$=$=$$$= @$$=~,,,,,
,~==*$@@## =@@@@= ##@@$*==~,
,~==*$@@## =@@@ ##@@$*==~,
,~==*$$@@@ ## @@@$$*==~,
,,,,~=**$@ # @$**=~,,,,
,~==*$@@## ##@@$*==~,
,,,,~=*@@@ it appears in it's truest false form @@@*=~,,,,
,~==*$@@## inscribed all over your vision, in the ##@@$*==~,
,,~==**$@@ case of nightmares, evil meditation, or @@$**==~,,
,~====$$@@ drug-induced transcendental states. @@$$====~,
,~==*$@@## living behind the curtain, so to speak, ##@@$*==~,
,,,~===*@@ in the liquid between you and the world @@*===~,,,
,,,~~==*@@ you're in. @@*==~~,,,
,~==**$@@# #@@$**==~,
,~==*$@@## but even in calmer times, it's never ##@@$*==~,
,~=*$@@### too far away, and you can find yourself ###@@$*=~,
,~==***@@# transfixed by floor tiles, jewelry #@@***==~,
,~==*$@@## (totems? charms?), trees, and other ##@@$*==~,
,~==*$@@## such things... ##@@$*==~,
,,,~====$@ @$====~,,,
,,,,,==*@@ @@*==,,,,,
,~==*$@@## ##@@$*==~,
,~==*$@@## ##@@$*==~,
,~==*$@@@# #@@@$*==~,