#¤#§¨.£.#¤ £,,£.#£.¤,
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&¨¤@¨,&, £.¨¤¨§#,#,
§¨.£,¤¤.,§ §¨§§,¨#¨@.
§¨##,,¤¨¤& &,¨&¨§&.&¨
£,.§¨¤&,.# , , = \ ; ~ , . @.§¤.¨£¨@,
#,##,.§.&& , : ~ = * » ^ , @.¨¤,§#,§¨
¤..£.@§¨.# ¨ ^ - † ^ « , , £¨&§..¤.&¨
§,#£.¨#.¤§ . , ~ ^ † ~ , ¨ #¨¨§,#&.£,
&¨¨£.#&,.& #,£@.¨£¨£.
§¨¤£.,&¨&& as we cross the mountain, we can walk £,¨¤¨@¤,¤.
@,¨£¨§¤.¨§ only at night. long ago, someone here £.§#.,&.£¨
#,§¤..#¨£¤ must've angered the sun, and today it @,,£,§&¨@,
&.¨£¨§&¨¨# still burns us strangely. but with the @¨&§,.&,£,
£,£#¨.¤¨&& sunset the air comes raining back down @.,¤¨@§.£.
£.¨£¨.¨£ and gets thick enough to breathe. it £,@§¨,&,#.
&.#&¨¨#¨§¤ carries with it smells from far away, £..#.§&.£.
§.,@.§&.¨§ colourful sparks for the imagination, a £¨#¤¨¨§.§¨
@,§¤..¤.@¤ sharp contrast for the stale black of £,¨#.§&,@,
&¨¨#¨£¤,.# the night. @¨£#.,#¨¤¨
&¨#¤,¨&¨¤@ &.,§,@@,#.
@,.§,££.¨@ the others think i'm young, they don't &.¤#¨,&,&¨
£,#@¨.@¨¤§ take me seriously and i fear they §¨¨#,¤@,&¨
@,.¤¨§¤¨,£ snicker a bit. you usually get old &.£@.,#¨&.
@¨£&¨,@¨£@ before you learn the trade enough to #,,¤.@¤,#.
&¨,&.@§¨.£ take other people. but i do lead them §¨#¤.,#¨§,
£,¤£¨,@.&@ safely forward, every night. #,.&¨¤§,¤,
£,,@.@@¨.§ ¤,&¤..¤.&¨
@,@#.,¤,¤¤ however, currently there seems to be @,,&¨£@¨#.
§,¨#,¤¤¨¨¤ something going on ahead. those around §.§#.,#.¤.
¤,&£.,#.£§ the corner have stopped, shouting, #¨.#.##,§¨
#,,£¨@@¨.§ pointing. £,¨.&¨§.
¤,¤@,,#¨#£ @.,§,#&,§.
§¨¨§.@§,.@ ¨¨, ,. ,«/~, ¨¨ .¨, £,,¨£,#.
§,,,£,&@ ¨,, ¨, ,=†~. ,, ,.. @,¨@,¤@¨§¨
§¨,#¨§@,,¤ .,¨ .¨ .-\=. ¨. ,.¨ £,¤¤..§¨#¨
£,¤&.¨§.§¤ ¨,, .¨ ¨=:«. ,¨ .,, £¨.§¨@&,#,
£.,¤¨@§..& ,,¨ ., .=\», ¨¨ ,¨. #,@¤¨,£¨¤.
£¨££,¨§.§@ ¨.¨ ,, .~;~¨ ,, ..¨ &¨.@¨£@,¤,
£,¨@.¤#.¨£ ,¨, ,, ¨~^«, ,, ,¨, ¤¨£§¨.#¨§,
£¨¤§.,#,&§ ,., ,, ,~^~¨ .¨ ,,¨ £¨,&,£§¨#¨
¤¨.#¨¤¤.¨# &.##,¨¤.&.
£,¤#.¨¤.@§ my greatest treasure, the £.,&¨£§¨¤.
£¨.£,§£..§ book of stars, is a combined map, #¨&&¨,&.§,
£,@&.¨§.@§ calendar and timepiece as long as you &,.¤.¤£¨¤,
#..£¨£#,.@ know what year it is. every page is a §,@&¨,¤.§.
¤,@@..&.§§ grid of nine starfields, hand drawn, £,.@.@#.&,
§¨¨£,¤§¨,£ below which are written coordinates in #.§#.,£.&.
£,§&.,£,¤¤ both space and time. a lot of it is ¤¨.#,#§,#,
¤,¨¤,#&¨.# applicable on earth, but not all. it &¨¤#¨¨§.£¨
£.¤§.¨¤.§@ hints of other places - some stars §,¨&¨&&¨§,
&,¨¤¨@@¨¨¤ reordered, some names i have never &¨¤#.,¤¨£¨
#,¤@,¨£¨¤# heard. sometimes the dates are §¨¨¤,,&.
@,.#,§£,,£ impossible. &¨§¤..#¨£¨
#¨¤¤¨¨@¨§# ¤¨.#,@&.@,
@,.&¨#§,¨£ those pages are exactly what i scramble §¨¤£¨.¤,£¨
§,¤§¨.#,§£ for right now. i've stopped breathing. #,¨£¨#£¨£,
@..§,§§¨,¤ i sling open the book of stars a bit ¤,§#..§¨£,
§¨##¨¨§¨@§ too quick, spilling all my notes on the £,,§¨#@.¤¨
#,.¤¨#@¨¨& ground. one lands on my foot, it is a #,£#.,£¨§,
#¨#@¨¨§,¤£ drawing of a muscle cow, but i could #¨,¤¨£§.#¨
&,,§,££..@ care less right now. ¤¨@&,.@¨&¨
#.#&,,@,#§ &¨¨£,¤¤.§,
&.¨@.¤#¨¨# for it seems like there's a new moon in £,¤&¨¨#,¤,
#.#¤¨.§,§@ the sky. ¤.,&,&&,#.
£¨,#.&£,,@ §.¤£,.@,¤¨
§¨§#¨.¤,@¤ &..@.¤£¨¤,
#..¤¨&£..@ §¨¤&¨.§.§.
#¨££¨¨§.&¤ £..¤.¤@¨£,
@..&.£@.,£ @.£@¨¨£,£.
¤¨££..&.¤# &,.@.##.£,