,~«=$§@@@# #@@@§$=«~,
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,~«=$§@### ###@§$=«~,
,~«=$@#### ####@$=«~,
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,,,~=$$§## ««« «« «« ««« ##§$$=~,,,
,,,,,«$§§@ «««« «««« @§§$«,,,,,
,~«=$§@@## ««« Street Lights... ««« ##@@§$=«~,
,,,,«=§§§@ «««« For Some Reason, «««« @§§§=«,,,,
,~«=$§@### «« The Street Lights Always Have A «« ###@§$=«~,
,~«=$§@### Particular Pattern. It Starts With A ###@§$=«~,
,,~«=$$@@# Row Of White Lights, Then It'S Joined #@@$$=«~,,
,~«=$§@### By A Red Row, Then The Blue Ones, And ###@§$=«~,
,~«$§@#### So On. And Then, There'S A Second Row, ####@§$«~,
,,,,«=$$$@ Almost Mirroring The First. @$$$=«,,,,
,~«=$§@### ###@§$=«~,
,~«=$§@### I'Ve Been Counting How Many Of Each ###@§$=«~,
,~«=$§@### Shape There Is. ###@§$=«~,
,,,,,~«=§# I Think It'S A Kind Of Angel Language. #§=«~,,,,,
,,~~~=§§@@ Angel Bodies Made Of Light, Running @@§§=~~~,,
,~«=$@#### Along The Streets Even At Night. ####@$=«~,
,,,,,,,«$@ @$«,,,,,,,
,~«=$§@### «««« ###@§$=«~,
,~«=$§@### «««« «««« ###@§$=«~,
,~«=$§@### ««« ««« ###@§$=«~,
,~«=$§@@@# «««« «««« #@@@§$=«~,
,,,,«=§§§@ ««« ««« @§§§=«,,,,
,~«=$§@### «««« «««« ###@§$=«~,
,~«=$§@### ###@§$=«~,
,~«=$§@### Like They'Re Looking For Something. ###@§$=«~,
,~««««$$@# #@$$««««~,
,~«=$§@### ###@§$=«~,
,~«=$§@### ###@§$=«~,
,,~««$§§@@ @@§§$««~,,
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