.,«;†@###@ @###@†;«,.
.,««;†@##@ @##@†;««,.
.,«;†@#### ####@†;«,.
.,«««†@@## ##@@†«««,.
......«††# #††«......
.,«;†@##@# Art School House Dream. #@##@†;«,.
.,«;†@##@# #@##@†;«,.
.,«;†@##@@ #««««««««««««««««««««««««# @@##@†;«,.
......,;@# #@;,......
.,«;††††## Slightly Uptown On A Grassy Hill Lies A ##††††;«,.
.,«;†@###@ Large Repurposed Institution. It'S @###@†;«,.
....,,;;@# Several Floors, A Few Hundred Meters #@;;,,....
.......«†# Wide. Made Of Yellow Bricks. #†«.......
.,«;†@#### ####@†;«,.
.,«;†@@@## Combined Nightclub, Cafe, Gallery, Art ##@@@†;«,.
.,«;†@##@# School. It'S Always Open, People Come #@##@†;«,.
.,«;†††### And Go. The Basement Is Deeper Than You ###†††;«,.
.,«;†@##@# Would Guess. #@##@†;«,.
.,«;†@##@# #@##@†;«,.
.,«;†@##@# It'S Messy. I'Ve Spread My Things Over #@##@†;«,.
.,«;†@##@# Several Floors, #@##@†;«,.
...«;;†### ###†;;«...
....««;@@# And Due To A Few Many Beers And Some #@@;««....
.....,;@@# Secret Rivalries, I Decide I Should #@@;,.....
....,,;†@# Leave. But Where Are My Shoes... #@†;,,....
....,«;;@# #@;;«,....
.,«;†@#### #««« (Looking For Shoes) «««# ####@†;«,.
..,,«;;†@# #@†;;«,,..
.....«††## After A While They Appear On My Feet. ##††«.....
.....««;†# Ok. #†;««.....
.,«;†@##@# #@##@†;«,.
.....,«†## I'M Crying Of Joy, I Hug A Friend And ##†«,.....
.,«;†@##@# It'S Good, We'Re Close Now, He Can #@##@†;«,.
....,;@### Smell Me (All According To Plan). ###@;,....
.,«;†@#### ####@†;«,.
....,,««†# I Find Out Who Ruined My Paintings And #†««,,....
....,,;@## I Pull Her Hair. She Cries From Pain ##@;,,....
.,«;†@##@@ But Does Not Beg Forgiveness. @@##@†;«,.
.,«;†††@## ##@†††;«,.
.,«;†@##@# #««« (In The Background) «««# #@##@†;«,.
.,«;†@@### ###@@†;«,.
.,«;†@##@# Sunset, Orange And Pink, City Is A #@##@†;«,.
....«;†##@ Black Cutout. There'S Fires And @##†;«....
.....«†@## Explosions On The Ground. ##@†«.....
.,«;†††@## ##@†††;«,.
,«;†@##@## "The New Way Of Shipping Iron - With ##@##@†;«,
.,«««;†††# The Railgun. The Iron Slag Is Shot At #†††;«««,.
.,«;†@##@# Three Hundred And Thirty Three Meters #@##@†;«,.
.,«;†@##@# Per Second, And At The Receiving End An #@##@†;«,.
.,«;†@##@@ Eight Square Meter Wooden Cube Is @@##@†;«,.
.,«;†@##@# Launched To Intercept It." #@##@†;«,.
...,««†@#@ @#@†««,...
.,«;†@###@ It Looks Like Interstellar War. The @###@†;«,.
.,«;†@##@# Wooden Block Shatter Into Hundreds Of #@##@†;«,.
.,«;†@##@# Wands. #@##@†;«,.
.,«;†@#### ####@†;«,.
.,«;†@@##@ #««««««««««««««««««««««««# @##@@†;«,.
..,,,;†@## ##@†;,,,..
.,«;†@##@# # House dream ; Railgun ; Structure # #@##@†;«,.
...,;††@@# # Institution ; Maze # #@@††;,...
.,«;;;;†@# #@†;;;;«,.
.,«;†@##@@ @@##@†;«,.
.,«;†@##@@ @@##@†;«,.
.,«;†@##@# #@##@†;«,.
.....««†## ##†««.....