inner rings plant school
¤¤¤.....¤¤ ############ »»»»»»»»»»»» ############ ..¤.¤¤..¤.
¤..¤....¤. ### ¤¤** »»»» .....#..... »»»» **¤¤ ### ¤.¤¤¤.¤.¤¤
.¤.¤¤...¤¤ #¤ » ¤# .¤¤..¤¤¤¤.
.¤¤¤.¤..¤. .¤.¤.¤...¤
¤¤..¤¤¤.¤¤ the "inner rings" plant school was a ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤..¤
..¤.¤..¤¤. colony of space stations in co-orbit ¤......¤.¤
¤.¤¤¤¤.¤.¤ just above earths inner neutrino rings. ¤¤.....¤¤¤
.¤¤...¤¤¤¤ ..¤....¤..
.¤.¤..¤... #¤ » ¤# ..¤¤...¤¤.
.¤¤¤¤.¤¤.. ### ¤¤** »»»» .....#..... »»»» **¤¤ ### ¤.¤.¤..¤.¤
¤¤...¤¤.¤. #¤ » ¤# .¤¤¤¤¤.¤¤¤
..¤..¤.¤¤¤ .¤....¤¤..
..¤¤.¤¤¤.. the school specialized in alien ¤¤¤...¤.¤.
..¤.¤¤..¤. plants suitable for the carnivores of ...¤..¤¤¤¤
¤.¤¤¤.¤.¤¤ earth, creating a cruelty-free diet ¤..¤¤.¤...
¤¤¤..¤¤¤¤. which would be a stepping stone for ¤¤.¤.¤¤¤..
¤..¤.¤...¤ interspeices harmony. ¤.¤¤¤¤..¤.
¤¤.¤¤¤¤..¤ .¤¤...¤.¤¤
..¤¤...¤.¤ #¤ » ¤# ¤¤.¤..¤¤¤.
..¤.¤..¤¤¤ ### ¤¤** »»»» .....#..... »»»» **¤¤ ### ¤.¤¤¤.¤..¤
¤.¤¤¤¤.¤.. #¤ » ¤# ¤¤¤..¤¤¤.¤
.¤¤...¤¤¤. ...¤.¤..¤¤
¤¤.¤..¤..¤ at this point, any contact with the ¤..¤¤¤¤.¤.
¤.¤¤¤.¤¤.¤ colony is forbidden by interplanetary .¤.¤...¤¤¤
.¤¤..¤¤.¤¤ law, and attempting to dock is .¤¤¤¤..¤..
.¤.¤.¤.¤¤. punishable by death without trial. ¤¤...¤.¤¤.
.¤¤¤¤¤¤¤.¤ ..¤..¤¤¤.¤
¤¤......¤¤ #¤ » ¤# ..¤¤.¤..¤¤
..¤.....¤. ### ¤¤** »»»» .....#..... »»»» **¤¤ ### ¤.¤.¤¤¤.¤.
..¤¤....¤¤ ############ »»»»»»»»»»»» ############ ¤¤¤¤¤..¤¤¤
related: disease