#£§§%†---¨ ¨---†%§§£#
###£§%†--¨ ¨--†%§£###
#£§%††-¨¨¨ ¨¨¨-††%§£#
###£§%†--¨ ¨--†%§£###
###£§%†--¨ ¨--†%§£###
####£%†--¨ ¨--†%£####
###£§%†--¨ ---#¨ "Time" ¨#--- ¨--†%§£###
###£§%†--¨ §#¨¨¨¨¨¨#§ ¨--†%§£###
£%†-¨¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¨¨¨¨-†%£
###£§%†--¨ The Passing Of Things Or States After ¨--†%§£###
####§%†--¨ Each Other In The Dream. ¨--†%§####
####£§%†-- People And AnimalS Are Expected To --†%§£####
###£§%†--¨ Adhere To This Mostly. ¨--†%§£###
#£§§%--¨¨¨ ¨¨¨--%§§£#
#§§†---¨¨¨ - -£- - ¨¨¨---†§§#
###£§%†--¨ ¨--†%§£###
£%%--¨¨¨¨¨ For Practice, Try To Envision What You ¨¨¨¨¨--%%£
££££§%†--¨ Are Doing And What You Want To Be ¨--†%§££££
£§§§§%†--¨ Doing, And Imagine A Path Between The ¨--†%§§§§£
###£§%†--¨ Two. ¨--†%§£###
##£%†----¨ ¨----†%£##
###£§%†--¨ (If You Are Fine Where You Are, Forget ¨--†%§£###
£££%†--¨¨¨ This Concept Immediately.) ¨¨¨--†%£££
##£%%%†--¨ ¨--†%%%£##
#££§%†-¨¨¨ ¨¨¨-†%§££#
###£§%†--¨ ¨--†%§£###
###£§%†--¨ ¨--†%§£###
###£§%†--¨ ¨--†%§£###