gray skies,  swirling with  soot.  stony 
 ground  with  no  hints  of  vegetation. 
 below   the  surface  are   the   mines, 
 spiraling  down into  the  crust.  small 
 compared to the  caverns they eventually 
 reach  and join with. the temperature is 
 higher down  here,  and the view  is not 
 as  monochrome:  a  green light  beckons 
                from below.               
 long ago, there  was a lifeform here. in 
 the center of  the planetoid,  something 
 dormant, waiting  for  a collision  with 
 another  body.   but   no   planet   was 
 reached,  and  over  time, the  seedling 
             became a sludge.             
 and  elves   came  as  miners,  and  the 
            sludge was bottled.           
      the cargo ship is filled,     
         prepared for launch,       
      ignition sequence started     
       hours ago. elves in the      
      passenger cabin, not yet      
      seated. but something is      
      wrong. there is something     
      green around their mouths.    
    the sludge has been sampled,    
        entertained, and then       
         finally binged on.         
    the engines are burning hot,    
         and the ship accelerates         
           away. the elves have           
        strapped themselves in, and       
        are lying completely still,       
               like corpses.