as  we  cross the  mountain, we can walk 
 only  at night. long ago,  someone  here 
 must've angered  the  sun, and  today it 
 still burns us  strangely. but  with the 
 sunset  the air comes  raining back down 
 and  gets thick enough  to  breathe.  it 
 carries  with  it smells from  far away, 
 colourful  sparks for the imagination, a 
 sharp contrast  for  the stale black  of 
 the night.                               
 the others  think i'm young, they  don't 
 take  me  seriously  and   i  fear  they 
 snicker  a  bit.  you  usually  get  old 
 before  you  learn  the trade  enough to 
 take other  people. but i  do lead  them 
 safely     forward,     every     night. 
 however,  currently  there  seems to  be 
 something  going on ahead. those  around 
 the  corner   have  stopped,   shouting, 
 my greatest treasure, the                
 book of stars,  is   a   combined   map, 
 calendar and timepiece  as  long as  you 
 know what  year  it  is. every page is a 
 grid  of  nine  starfields,  hand drawn, 
 below  which are written  coordinates in 
 both  space and  time. a  lot of  it  is 
 applicable  on earth,  but not  all.  it 
 hints  of  other  places  -  some  stars 
 reordered,  some  names  i   have  never 
 heard.   sometimes    the   dates    are 
 those pages are exactly what  i scramble 
 for  right  now. i've stopped breathing. 
 i sling open  the book of  stars  a  bit 
 too quick,  spilling all my notes on the 
 ground. one lands  on  my foot, it is  a 
 drawing of a  muscle cow,  but  i  could 
 care less right now.                     
 for it seems  like there's a new moon in 
 the sky.