..,¨,¨,... ...,¨,¨,..
.,.¨..¨.,~ ~,.¨..¨.,.
¨,¨..,,¨~« «~¨,,..¨,¨
,¨¨....,-: :-,....¨¨,
.¨,,..~«;§ §;«~..,,¨.
,,.¨¨^-:§% , , - : ; - ~ ¨ %§:-^¨¨.,,
¨.¨.~-†%%£ . , ~ * / ~ : . £%%†-~.¨.¨
,,.,~:§%§¶ . . ~ ; * ~ , , ¶§%§:~,.,,
¨.:~†**£¶# . ^ - = ; = - , #¶£**†~:.¨
¨:~\^%¤#@# #@#¤%^\~:¨
,¨,«††%£## as we cross the mountain, we can walk ##£%††«,¨,
..¨:»†%§££ only at night. long ago, someone here ££§%†»:¨..
.,,.-«^^£¤ must've angered the sun, and today it ¤£^^«-.,,.
,,,¨¨~~†%% still burns us strangely. but with the %%†~~¨¨,,,
¨...,.,=*† sunset the air comes raining back down †*=,.,...¨
¨¨¨¨¨¨,,~^ and gets thick enough to breathe. it ^~,,¨¨¨¨¨¨
¨.¨.¨,..~= carries with it smells from far away, =~..,¨.¨.¨
,.,¨..,¨,~ colourful sparks for the imagination, a ~,¨,..¨,.,
,.¨.,,.¨¨, sharp contrast for the stale black of ,¨¨.,,.¨.,
..,..,.,.. the night. ..,.,..,..
.¨¨,¨,,,.¨ ¨.,,,¨,¨¨.
,,.¨¨¨¨¨¨, the others think i'm young, they don't ,¨¨¨¨¨¨.,,
,.,¨,,,¨~» take me seriously and i fear they »~¨,,,¨,.,
..¨..,,^»; snicker a bit. you usually get old ;»^,,..¨..
....¨,^-:† before you learn the trade enough to †:-^,¨....
.¨,¨.^-*%% take other people. but i do lead them %%*-^.¨,¨.
¨¨..,~;$£& safely forward, every night. &£$;~,..¨¨
¨¨.~«:§%§¶ ¶§%§:«~.¨¨
.¨~~:$§@@# however, currently there seems to be #@@§$:~~¨.
,-=**%¤£## something going on ahead. those around ##£¤%**=-,
.¨~~:*¤§£# the corner have stopped, shouting, #£§¤*:~~¨.
..,^~=*£#¶ pointing. ¶#£*=~^,..
.¨,.~~*=£¤ ¤£=*~~.,¨.
.,,,¨^~/†% ,¨, ¨, ,~;«, ., ,,, %†/~^¨,,,.
¨.¨¨¨,:»=$ ¨,, .. .~*«¨ ,. ,,¨ $=»:,¨¨¨.¨
,¨,,...,=\ ... .¨ ,~\«, ¨¨ ,,, \=,...,,¨,
.,¨.,¨,¨,~ ,.¨ ,¨ ,«†«¨ ., ¨., ~,¨,¨,.¨,.
¨,.,.,,¨¨: ,,¨ ¨¨ ¨-†~. ., ,., :¨¨,,.,.,¨
,.,..,¨,¨, ,,. .¨ .»;». ¨. ,,, ,¨,¨,..,.,
,¨,¨,¨...¨ ,.¨ ¨, ,~†~, ,. ,,¨ ¨...¨,¨,¨,
.,¨¨¨..,,, .¨. ., ,»/~. .. .,¨ ,,,..¨¨¨,.
.¨,¨.¨,,¨, ,¨,,¨.¨,¨.
,..¨,.¨.^- my greatest treasure, the -^.¨.,¨..,
¨¨,.¨¨,,-= book of stars, is a combined map, =-,,¨¨.,¨¨
.,,¨,¨,-\^ calendar and timepiece as long as you ^\-,¨,¨,,.
..¨.¨-«:=@ know what year it is. every page is a @=:«-¨.¨..
¨.,,,~^*%£ grid of nine starfields, hand drawn, £%*^~,,,.¨
,,¨~-*†¤@£ below which are written coordinates in £@¤†*-~¨,,
,,~~;*£#@# both space and time. a lot of it is #@#£*;~~,,
¨,=:*£§£## applicable on earth, but not all. it ##£§£*:=,¨
,,,«^$££@# hints of other places - some stars #@££$^«,,,
¨,,,»=§$¤# reordered, some names i have never #¤$§=»,,,¨
,¨,,,~;†£¤ heard. sometimes the dates are ¤£†;~,,,¨,
.¨¨.¨.~;†& impossible. &†;~.¨.¨¨.
.¨..,¨:~:= =:~:¨,..¨.
,.,..¨,,«: those pages are exactly what i scramble :«,,¨..,.,
¨¨¨,.¨.¨,» for right now. i've stopped breathing. »,¨.¨.,¨¨¨
¨¨¨¨¨¨.¨,~ i sling open the book of stars a bit ~,¨.¨¨¨¨¨¨
¨...¨.,¨.. too quick, spilling all my notes on the ..¨,.¨...¨
,..,.,.,,. ground. one lands on my foot, it is a .,,.,.,..,
¨,.¨.¨.,¨, drawing of a muscle cow, but i could ,¨,.¨.¨.,¨
,.¨..,..., care less right now. ,...,..¨.,
..,,¨,.,:» »:,.,¨,,..
,..,,...«^ for it seems like there's a new moon in ^«...,,..,
.,¨¨¨¨.~\† the sky. †\~.¨¨¨¨,.
,¨.,¨-~=*% %*=~-¨,.¨,
.,,¨,~*^$# #$^*~,¨,,.
,,,,-^$£§@ @§£$^-,,,,
¨¨.«**$&@@ @@&$**«.¨¨
.-=:%%&@## ##@&%%:=-.
,,.=/=£¤¶@ @¶¤£=/=.,,