#@§~...... ......~§@#
@@@@¤§*~,. .,~*§¤@@@@
@@¤¤¤§*~,. .,~*§¤¤¤@@
#@@@¤§*~,. .,~*§¤@@@#
##@@¤§*~,. .,~*§¤@@##
##@@¤§*~,. ############ .,~*§¤@@##
@@¤***~~,. How To Make ###### .,~~***¤@@
##@@¤§*~,. ######## A List .,~*§¤@@##
##@@¤§*~,. For When### You .,~*§¤@@##
@¤¤¤§§*~,. ######## Are ######## .,~*§§¤¤¤@
##@@¤§*~,. Going To Be Maybe .,~*§¤@@##
@§~....... #################### .......~§@
@¤¤¤¤§*~,. A Little Intoxicated .,~*§¤¤¤¤@
@@¤*,..... .....,*¤@@
@@@¤§*,,.. Step One (Safety Step) Write Down How ..,,*§¤@@@
###@¤§*~,. You Are Intoxicated On Two Notes And .,~*§¤@###
##@@¤§*~,. Put One In Your Pocket And One In .,~*§¤@@##
##@@¤§*~,. Your Wallet - Be Technical And Detail .,~*§¤@@##
@§~,...... Ed ......,~§@
@¤¤§*,.... ....,*§¤¤@
@¤§**~~,.. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ ..,~~**§¤@
##@@¤§*~,. Purpose Of The List .,~*§¤@@##
##@@¤§*~,. .,~*§¤@@##
##@@¤§*~,. You Can Look At The List And Think .,~*§¤@@##
@@¤*,..... "Where Am I" Regarding Your .....,*¤@@
##@@¤§*~,. And Responsibilities .,~*§¤@@##
##@@¤§*~,. How Much Room Do You Have To Manouver .,~*§¤@@##
##@@¤§*~,. And How Far Can You Stray From Normalcy .,~*§¤@@##
###@@¤§*~, ,~*§¤@@###
##@@¤§*~,. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@# .,~*§¤@@##
@¤§§*~,,,. What To Keep On The List .,,,~*§§¤@
##@@¤§*~,. .,~*§¤@@##
##@@¤§*~,. I: Any Time Limit To Your Endeavours .,~*§¤@@##
@@@@¤§*~,. Ii: Anything Already Planned That Might .,~*§¤@@@@
##@@¤§*~,. Take Place During The Sesh .,~*§¤@@##
@¤*~,..... Iii: Weather Forecast .....,~*¤@
##@@¤§*~,. Iv: Alotted Money .,~*§¤@@##
##@@¤§*~,. V: Any Fallback Stuff Like, There'S .,~*§¤@@##
##@@¤§*~,. Food In The Fridge And Also .,~*§¤@@##
@¤*,...... Six Beers ......,*¤@
##@@¤§*~,. Vi: The Answer To Questions You Might .,~*§¤@@##
@@§§~,,... Be Worried About Later - Are The ...,,~§§@@
@@¤¤*,.... Windows Closed? Are The Bills Paid? ....,*¤¤@@
##@@¤§*~,. Vii: If There Is An Undertaking, Write .,~*§¤@@##
##@@¤§*~,. A Short Guide .,~*§¤@@##
#@¤§**,,,. Viii: An Idea What To Watch On Netflix .,,,**§¤@#
@@@@¤§*~,. .,~*§¤@@@@
##@@¤§*~,. @@@@@@@@@@@@@ .,~*§¤@@##
#@@§§~.... In Conclusion ....~§§@@#
##@@¤§*~,. .,~*§¤@@##
@@¤¤**,,.. This Is Not A Requirement But It Might ..,,**¤¤@@
###@¤§*~,. Save Your Life!!! .,~*§¤@###
###@@§*~,. .,~*§@@###
@¤§~,..... In Conclusion Two: If The List Is Too .....,~§¤@
@§~~~~~~,. Grim Maybe Dont Get Intoxicated! .,~~~~~~§@
##@@¤§*~,. .,~*§¤@@##
##@@¤§*~,. .,~*§¤@@##
###@¤§*~,. .,~*§¤@###
@¤*~,..... .....,~*¤@
@@@¤***~,. .,~***¤@@@
##@@¤§*~,. .,~*§¤@@##