¨-»†%¤§@@# #@@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»†%¤§@@@ @@@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»†%¤§@@# #@@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»†%¤§@@@ @@@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»†%¤§@@# #@@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»†%¤§@@# ¨¨%@%¨¨ #@@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»†%¤§@@# ¨-†¤@@####@@¤†-¨ #@@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»†%¤§@@# ¨¨¨--»¤@ Dreams @¤»--¨¨¨ #@@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»»††¤¤@@ ¨-†¤@@####@@¤†-¨ @@¤¤††»»-¨
¨-»†%¤@@## ¨¨%@%¨¨ ##@@¤%†»-¨
¨¨¨¨¨¨-†¤@ @¤†-¨¨¨¨¨¨
¨¨¨¨»»»%%§ ¨-¨ §%%»»»¨¨¨¨
¨-»†%¤§@@# ¨%§@#@§%¨ #@@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»†%¤§@@# ¨-¨ #@@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»†%¤§@@# #@@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»†%¤§@@# Internal Visionary State #@@§¤%†»-¨
¨¨¨-†††¤@@ @@¤†††-¨¨¨
¨-»»†%¤¤@@ The Spirit Travels @@¤¤%†»»-¨
¨-»†%¤§@@@ @@@§¤%†»-¨
¨¨¨-»%%§§@ ¨-†¤@@####@@¤†-¨ @§§%%»-¨¨¨
¨-»†%¤§@@# ¨»¨ #@@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»†%¤§@@# #@@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»†%¤§@@@ A Cost @@@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»†%¤§@@# (Anecdote) #@@§¤%†»-¨
¨¨¨¨-††%§§ §§%††-¨¨¨¨
¨-»†%¤§@@# -- #@@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»†%¤§@@# #@@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»†%¤§@## I Wake Suddenly, And For A Second ##@§¤%†»-¨
¨¨¨-»†%¤@@ Everything Is Completely Calm And Dead @@¤%†»-¨¨¨
¨-»†%¤§@@@ Silent. It'S Dark, And Warm, And I @@@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»†%¤§@@@ Slowly Start To Piece Together My @@@§¤%†»-¨
¨¨¨¨»%¤§@@ Consciousness And My Body. @@§¤%»¨¨¨¨
¨-»†%¤§@@# #@@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»»»%¤§§§ Then The Fear Hits Me And I Feel §§§¤%»»»-¨
¨-»†%¤¤§§§ Acutely Sick. Something Is »Wrong». §§§¤¤%†»-¨
¨-»%¤§@@## ##@@§¤%»-¨
¨¨¨¨¨-†¤§§ ¨¨ §§¤†-¨¨¨¨¨
¨¨¨¨¨-»†%§ §%†»-¨¨¨¨¨
¨-»†%¤§@## There Are Circles And Crosses Inscribed ##@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»†%¤¤¤¤@ All Over My Vision, Pressing In, Being @¤¤¤¤%†»-¨
¨¨¨¨¨¨»%¤§ Almost Hostile. I Can Feel Them Squirm, §¤%»¨¨¨¨¨¨
¨-»†%¤§@@# Their Internal Logic Changing And #@@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»†%¤§@@@ Grinding Trenches In My Mind. It'S Like @@@§¤%†»-¨
¨¨-»†%%¤¤§ Language, Sentences I Can'T Hide From, §¤¤%%†»-¨¨
¨¨¨¨¨-†¤@@ Forcefully Transcribed In My Mind, And @@¤†-¨¨¨¨¨
¨-»†%¤§@@@ Doing Damage There. @@@§¤%†»-¨
¨¨¨---†%§@ @§%†---¨¨¨
¨-»†%¤§@@# Then I Realize I Can'T Hear Anything #@@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»†%¤§@@# Because There'S Something There #@@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»†%%%¤§@ Already, Droning Everything Out, A @§¤%%%†»-¨
¨-»†%¤§@@# Rapid Melody, Almost Caustic In It'S #@@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»††%¤¤§@ Particular Microtonality. @§¤¤%††»-¨
¨-»†%¤@@## ##@@¤%†»-¨
¨¨¨¨¨¨»%§@ -- @§%»¨¨¨¨¨¨
¨-»†%%%%§@ @§%%%%†»-¨
¨¨¨-†††¤@@ My Surroundings Are Entirely Calm. It'S @@¤†††-¨¨¨
¨¨¨¨-»%¤¤@ Almost Mocking. @¤¤%»-¨¨¨¨
¨-»†%¤§@@# #@@§¤%†»-¨
¨¨¨¨¨»%§§@ I Feel Helpless, But I Must Try To @§§%»¨¨¨¨¨
¨-»†%¤§@@@ Escape. To Crawl On The Floor Searching @@@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»†%§@@## Relief, Such Is My Nature. Turning The ##@@§%†»-¨
¨-»†%¤§@@# Lights On Does Nothing... Getting #@@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»†††%§§@ Outside Does Nothing... Drinking Water @§§%†††»-¨
¨¨¨-»»%§@@ Does Noting... But Time Does - After @@§%»»-¨¨¨
¨¨¨-»†¤¤@@ Thirty Seconds I'M Normal Again, @@¤¤†»-¨¨¨
¨¨¨-†††¤¤@ Doubting Anything Of This Happened In @¤¤†††-¨¨¨
¨¨¨-»%%¤§@ The First Place. @§¤%%»-¨¨¨
¨¨¨¨¨»»†¤@ @¤†»»¨¨¨¨¨
¨-»†%¤§@@# My Eyes Are Still Tense Though, Scared. #@@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»%¤§@@## I Don'T Know What To Make. ##@@§¤%»-¨
¨¨¨¨¨»%%§@ @§%%»¨¨¨¨¨
¨-»»»†%%§@ But I'M Tired. @§%%†»»»-¨
¨-»†%¤§@## ##@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»†%¤§@@# ¨ #@@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»†%¤§@@# --»†»-- #@@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»†%¤§@## ¨ ##@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»†%¤§@## ##@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»†%¤§@## This Can Happen If You Wander Too Far, ##@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»†%¤§@@# I Guess? I Shouldn'T Be So Reckless #@@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»†%§@@## When Dreaming? ##@@§%†»-¨
¨-»†%¤§@@# I Imagine A Prick On The Nose, That'S #@@§¤%†»-¨
¨-»†%%%§§@ What These Are. Like You Do With A Cat @§§%%%†»-¨
¨¨--»†%§@@ Who Comes To Close To Your Sandwich... @@§%†»--¨¨
¨¨¨-†%%§@@ @@§%%†-¨¨¨
¨¨¨¨»†%%¤§ §¤%%†»¨¨¨¨
¨-»†%¤§@@# #@@§¤%†»-¨
¨¨¨»»»%%§§ §§%%»»»¨¨¨
¨-»»»»†¤@@ @@¤†»»»»-¨
¨¨¨¨¨-†%§@ @§%†-¨¨¨¨¨