##%%%/~,,, ,,,~/%%%##
#@#@%%/~,, ,,~/%%@#@#
##@#@%%~,, ,,~%%@#@##
#%%~,,,,,, ,,,,,,~%%#
#@#@%%/~,, ,,~/%%@#@#
##%///,,,, @@@@@@@@@#@%%/~@ @~/%%@#@@@@@@@@@@ ,,,,///%##
@#%%/,,,,, ########@%%/~@ @~/%%@######### ,,,,,/%%#@
###@%%/~,, @@@@@@@@%%/~@ @~/%%@@@@@@@@ ,,~/%%@###
@@#@%%/~,, %%%%%%%%/~@ @~/%%%%%%%% ,,~/%%@#@@
#@#@%%/~,, %%%%%%/~@ Diesel, Another @~/%%%%%% ,,~/%%@#@#
@%%//,,,,, /////~@ One Of Earth'S Forbidden @~///// ,,,,,//%%@
@@#@%%/~,, ~~~~@ Liquids (Tied Strongly To @~~~~ ,,~/%%@#@@
@%~~,,,,,, ~~@ Earth Due To Being Made Of Oil @~~ ,,,,,,~~%@
@%%/,,,,,, ~~~~@ @~~~~ ,,,,,,/%%@
#@#@%%/~,, ,,,,,~@ (Oil Is The Philosophers @~,,,,, ,,~/%%@#@#
#@@%%//~,, ,,,,,,,~@ Stone, Btw) @~,,,,,,, ,,~//%%@@#
@@%%/~~,,, ,,~@ @~,, ,,,~~/%%@@
#@#@%%/~,, ,,~@ @~,, Ibis ,,~/%%@#@#
@@@%%%/~,, So It'S A ,,~@ @~,, ,,~/%%%@@@
@%~,,,,,,, Fuel, Right? ,,~@ @~,, ,,,,,,,~%@
@@@@%%/~,, We Can Run Generators And Robot Canines ,,~/%%@@@@
@@%%%~,,,, And Stuff On This Shit. Hard To Find ,,,,~%%%@@
##@#%%/~,, Due To Half-Assed "Attempts" To Stop ,,~/%%#@##
@@#@%%/~,, Global Warming, But Easy To Steal Once ,,~/%%@#@@
@#@%%%/~,, Found - You Don'T Even Have To Hack ,,~/%%%@#@
#@#@%%/~,, Anything (Might Have To Taste It Though) ,,~/%%@#@#
#@%/~,,,,, ,,,,,~/%@#
##@#@%%~,, Best To Search At Night, Roadside ,,~%%@#@##
@@#@%%/~,, Trucks And Lorries Are Already Emptied. ,,~/%%@#@@
@#%/~,,,,, Hidden Vehicle Graveyards Out In The ,,,,,~/%#@
#@#@%%/~,, Desert Perhaps, If The Dragons Didn'T ,,~/%%@#@#
@@#@%%/~,, Get To Them First. People'S Yards, ,,~/%%@#@@
#@#@%%/~,, Fenced In. Those Towns Were Some ,,~/%%@#@#
#@#@%%/~,, Company Owned (And Fenced Off, ,,~/%%@#@#
##@@%%/~,, Important!) Entire Parts Of It... They ,,~/%%@@##
##%%%%/~,, Would Usually Have A Fleet Of Vehicles. ,,~/%%%%##
##@@%%/~,, ,,~/%%@@##
@%%%%~~~,, ,,~~~%%%%@
#@#@%%/~,, ,,~/%%@#@#
@#@%~,,,,, ,,,,,~%@#@
@@#@%%/~,, ,,~/%%@#@@