,,,§,§,§§§ ,§,,,,,,§§
§,,§§§§§,, §§§,,,,,§,
§§,§,,,,§, ,,,§,,,,§§
,,§§§,,,§§ ,,,§§,,,§,
,,§,,§,,§, ,,,§,§,,§§
§,§§,§§,§§ ,,,§§§§,§,
§§§,§§,§§, --- dreamwiki chronology --- ,,,§,,,§§§
,,,§§,§§,§ ,,,§§,,§,,
,,,§,§§,§§ §,,§,§,§§,
,,,§§§,§§, on the ¤first day¤, there was a markup §§,§§§§§,§
§,,§,,§§,§ language and a parser ,,§§,,,,§§
,§,§§,§,§§ ,,§,§,,,§,
,§§§,§§§§, on the ^second day^ there was a tagging ,,§§§§,,§§
§§,,§§,,,§ system and a link pool and a compiler ,,§,,,§,§,
§,§,§,§,,§ for it §,§§,,§§§§
,§§§§§§§,§ §§§,§,§,,,
,§,,,,,,§§ on the ^third day^ there was a caps ,,,§§§§§,,
,§§,,,,,§, lock dance fest! ,,,§,,,,§,
,§,§,,,,§§ §,,§§,,,§§
§§§§§,,,§, on the ~fourth day~ we got fancy §§,§,§,,§,
§,,,,§,,§§ curtains! §,§§§§§,§§
,§,,,§§,§, §§§,,,,§§,
,§§,,§,§§§ on the -fifth day- there was randomness §,,§,,,§,§
§§,§,§§§,, §§,§§,,§§§
,,§§§§,,§, then i forgot about time §,§§,§,§,,
,,§,,,§,§§ ,§§,§§§§§,
,,§§,,§§§, §§,§§,,,,§
§,§,§,§,,§ §,§§,§,,,§
,§§§§§§§,§ §§§,§§§,,§
§§,,,,,,§§ ,,,§§,,§,§