,,,,,=§@@# #@@§=,,,,,
,,=\§&@### ###@&§\=,,
,,=\§&@### ###@&§\=,,
,,=\§&@@@# #@@@&§\=,,
,,,,=§§§&@ @&§§§=,,,,
,,,,,,==§@ ,\&@#########@§=, @§==,,,,,,
,,=\§&@### \@##&\,, ,,=§@##§, ###@&§\=,,
,,,,,,\&@# ,§##\, ,#= #@&\,,,,,,
,,=\§&@### §##, ,§##, ###@&§\=,,
,,,,==\& ,##\ ,@#\ #&&\==,,,,
,,,,,,\§@# ,##, §#§ #@§\,,,,,,
,,=\§&@### ##, = ###@&§\=,,
,,,,,,\§ \#\ ## #&§\,,,,,,
,,=\§&@### # §#& ###@&§\=,,
,,=\§&@### ### =## ###@&§\=,,
,,,=\\§&@# ### earth yo =## #@&§\\=,,,
,,,,=§§@## # §#& ##@§§=,,,,
,,=\\§§§ \#\ ## #&§§§\\=,,
,,=\§§§§@# ##, = #@§§§§\=,,
,,=\§&@### ,##, §#§ ###@&§\=,,
,,=\§&@### ,##= ,@#\ ###@&§\=,,
,,,,=\&# §#@, \##, ##&&\=,,,,
,,=\§&@### ,#\, ,#\ ###@&§\=,,
,,=\§&@### ,\@##&\,, ,,=§@##§, ###@&§\=,,
,,,,,,\§ ,\&@#########@§=, #&§\,,,,,,
,,=\§&@### ###@&§\=,,
,,,,,=\§@@ @@§\=,,,,,
,,=\§&@### ###@&§\=,,
,,,,=§§# since it's in space nobody really knows ##&§§=,,,,
,,,===\& #&&\===,,,
,,=\§&@### whats up with it but we live on it ###@&§\=,,
,,,,,=\& #&&\=,,,,,
,,=\§&&@@@ nonetheless, because we're badasses @@@&&§\=,,
,,,,,==§§@ @§§==,,,,,
,,,,,\&@@@ and don't really have a choice anyway. @@@&\,,,,,
,,=\§&&& #&&&&§\=,,
,,,,,,=\§@ @§\=,,,,,,
,,,=\\\\ #&\\\\=,,,
,,,,,,=\&@ it has a good friend in the moon. @&\=,,,,,,
,,=\§&@### ###@&§\=,,
,,,,==§@## it has a fur made of forests. ##@§==,,,,
,,,,=\\&@@ @@&\\=,,,,
,,=\§&@### all known life orginates here, even ###@&§\=,,
,,=\§§§@@# #@@§§§\=,,
,,=\§&@### that in dreams and thoughts. ###@&§\=,,
,,====\§ #&§\====,,
,,=\§&@### ###@&§\=,,
,,=\§&@### ###@&§\=,,
,,=\§&@### ###@&§\=,,
,,,,,,=§@# #@§=,,,,,,
,,=\§&@### ###@&§\=,,