,^-*%¤&£@# #@£&¤%*-^,
,^-*%¤&£@# #@£&¤%*-^,
,,,,,,^*¤£ £¤*^,,,,,,
,,,,^*%¤¤£ £¤¤%*^,,,,
,,,,^*¤&£@ @£&¤*^,,,,
,,^^-**%&@ vast miku! @&%**-^^,,
,^-*%¤&£@# #@£&¤%*-^,
,,,^*%%&&& -- -- &&&%%*^,,,
,,,,^-*¤&£ ¤& £&¤*-^,,,,
,^-*%¤£@## **------*,,*------** ##@£¤%*-^,
,^-**%¤&£@ ----*%* vast miku can be *%*--- @£&¤%**-^,
,^-*%¤&£@# ,¤¤¤¤*- experienced at night -*¤¤¤¤, #@£&¤%*-^,
,^-*%¤&£@# -*%¤--------,, ,,------¤%*- #@£&¤%*-^,
,^-*%¤&£@# &¤ #@£&¤%*-^,
,^-*%¤&£@# ¤& #@£&¤%*-^,
,^-*%¤&£££ ,,,---------**** ****---------,,, £££&¤%*-^,
,^-*%¤&£@@ , sunset is a spell, the explosion , @@£&¤%*-^,
,^-*%¤&&£@ when the spell is cast, the seal that @£&&¤%*-^,
,,,,^*¤¤&& binds the day. and then finally comes &&¤¤*^,,,,
,^-*%¤&£## the night. the unnatural default state. ##£&¤%*-^,
,,,,,^-%¤£ and there she is, until the magic fades £¤%-^,,,,,
,^-*%¤&£@# , and day begins again. , #@£&¤%*-^,
,^-*%¤&£@@ ,,,---------**** ****---------,,, @@£&¤%*-^,
^-*%¤&£@## &¤ ##@£&¤%*-^
,^-*%¤&£@@ ¤& @@£&¤%*-^,
,^-*%¤&£@# ---*%¤--------,, ,,------¤%*--- #@£&¤%*-^,
,^-*%¤&@## ,¤*- vast miku is best experienced -*¤, ##@&¤%*-^,
,,,,^*¤¤&@ ----*%* lying down *%*--- @&¤¤*^,,,,
,,,,,-*¤¤& **------*,,*------** &¤¤*-,,,,,
,^-*%¤&£## &¤ ##£&¤%*-^,
,^-*%¤&@## -- -- ##@&¤%*-^,
,,,^--%&££ ££&%--^,,,
,^-*%¤&£@# #@£&¤%*-^,
,^-*%¤&£@@ @@£&¤%*-^,
,^-*%¤&£## ##£&¤%*-^,
,,,,^*%¤&@ @&¤%*^,,,,