växjö   station   is  rebuilt,  and  the 
 outdoor  area  now  has  a   roof.  it's 
 placed  roughly four  and a half  meters 
 above   ground,  and  spans  the  entire 
     trainyard, bus landing zone, and     
   surrounding parks. there's aluminum    
     beams going west-east every eight    
 meters or  so, the rest of the structure 
     being made of lightweight bamboo     
 noteworthy  is  the  hundreds  of  fans, 
 there to clear  out exhaust  fumes  from 
 cars  and  buses  idling  under the roof 
   searching for passengers (they would   
 fight to get a  spot  close  to the main 
  building, and advertise some lucrative  
    destination, where they would then    
 actually go,  most of the  time).  since 
      the fans regulate their speed       
      individually depending on their     
 surrounding air quality, sometimes they  
         accidentally harmonize.