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,.,.,.¨#£§ .¨,&,¨££@¤
¨#£¤#£.¨£¤ @@..¨..&¤¨
..£§¤¨.¨¨¤ £.¨#§§,,,,
§¨.§¨¨£&.. ¨.,,£.¨£§&
,¨@¨¨,,¤¤£ #~»~ =-~ -«- =»« »-~ »~« -=~ =«- ~-»# ¤,...,¨,.,
&¨¨.#@..&£ \ Page On Snake Handling. : ,¨¤§@&@£@&
¨¨§..,,¨.¨ #«-« ~~- --- »»- =~~ «~~ -«- ~-» ~»~# @,.@£¤¤##¤
,¨,.&£¤@ .¨¨,¤£¤¤&.
§¤@.¨££#§. The Goal Is Anyway To Become Lucid #¤¤.¨#¤£,.
,#¨.¨¨@&,¨ Inside The Dream (If The Dream Is A #¤..,.§,,,
¨.,&¤.,¨,. Container) Or While The Dream Takes ¤¨.@£..,£@
.£,¨.,@&¤@ Place (If It Is An Event). This Is ..¨...£¨¨¨
,,¨#§,.§¤¨ Somehow To Do With Serpents. #¤#£#¨..@¤
,¤,¨,.,¨.¨ .¤¤§..£¨.,
.,.£#§&@@¤ #«~- ~~» -=» =~» -~~ ~»~ ~=~ -«~ =»=# ..¤.¨¨¨¨£#
,&¨¨§@§@££ \ I Knew There Would Be Snakes, They † ¨.¨¨&§£,,¨
,,,,,§§#§. ^ Have This Particular Shape To Them, ; §£#,,&¨¨#§
,¤#¤¨,&§,¨ = Makes Them Fit Into Cracks, * §#,¨¨....,
,.&,¨¨,.¨¨ / Into Seams. : ¤,,¤&££#@§
,.¨.§£##¤# = ¨¨,»-¤-«,.¨ ; ,¨¨,&£§&@¨
&£@,¨¤#£§£ : (Since Realm-Travelness Is Inversely = .#§..§@¤.,
,#,,,,¤¤ ; Proportional To Size; Larger Animals : .,,¨¨¨#,..
.,¨&§,,&£¨ = Have To Stay Put. † ,¤¤...@£
,¤.,.,.¨,¨ / Snakes Can Cheat This By Being = ¨.£¤.¨&,..
..¨##£&, / Almost One-Dimensional.) \ ,....,¨,£@
.&,¨§#&§,, #=«« «~~ »«~ ~-« ~«~ ~»« -~= »~- =»«# ¤§§¤¤,,¨
..¨.¨¤@¨¨, &&£££§,¨¤&
.#,,,¨@# Eitherway. I Did Not Fully Understand &£###,..,.
¨,£.¨£#..& Which Role They Would Play, Or Exactly ¤§@@.¨£&@§
..¨¨,,,.¨¨ -Which» Snakes They Would Be - The §#&¨,..£@¨
£@#£#¤#££# Nagas! The Snake people. §#.¨§¤..,.
.¤££¤§#@@£ §.,¨¨..£¤¨
,,@#@#§¤ You Will Want Them To Guide You If You ,.@#@¤.,¨.
@¨,§#§@&@£ Can. They Are Excellent Nidra Guides, &¨¨§&..@§¤
,,,.#@@@@# And Many Will Take You On Pro Bono .¨¨¨,,¨¨§@
.&@¨.£¤¤¤@ (I Suspect They Find Amusement In Our ¨#@&¤#¤..,
¨,,¨¨¨@£#& Attempts To Travel Where We Are Not ¨.&&¨¨¤£
¨§§&£¨,§@§ Easy To Be.) The Problem Is Finding One. &¨.&¤¨¨¨¨.
¨,¤@...¨¤# ¨.,.,¨§£&¤
¨¨,,.£@¨¨§ #~»» ~~» ~=~ -»~ -»= ~~« =-= ~~~ ~~~# .&¤¤£.¨£#.
¤#£#,¨,¨.¨ ^ Don'T Fret If Your Meeting Does Not ; .¨#@..¨¨,¨
¨#@¨¨§@#£# ; Go Well - Talking To A Snake Is ^ £¨,.,#&£#,
.,,¨¨,§@£§ ^ Often A Recursive Matter. You Will ^ ,.#§,.#¤¨,
&@@@¤.,£@. = Meet Many Times As You Fall Deeper, = £¨..,¨..¨§
@###¨¨..¨¨ † Once Per Stage, The Snake Taking * ¨¨@§&¤@#..
,§@,.#¤@&, / Various Forms In Succession (Stream, : ¨.,@§¨.¨
.,,,,,#£¨. = Snake, Half-Snake, Queen, Stream, \ @§,,@£..&§
¨#££¤,¨¨.. \ Thunder). You Must Repeat All = #,¨,.,.¨..
¨,@¤.,£@&¤ † Pleasantries Each Time As If You'Ve = .¨£#§&@@&@
.,¨,..¨£¤, ^ Never Before Met (Although The Snake ; ...&@§¤¤&¨
#@§#¤&.,¨, † May Choose To Address You As An Old † @£,¨§#¤#¨¨
¨&§§§..£@. = Friend, Follow Their Lead If So). / ...,,#&,¨,
¨,#§..¨.¨, #-~~ -«= --» «~« ~»~ ~-= -~« -«~ ~»~# ¤&£&.,¨,£§
¨¨,,,#@#§¨ §¤@,.##.,.
¤¤§£¨.£§¨, They Have Something To Do With Water, £§¨¨,¨..££
#££¨.,,¨.£ Some Close Relation To It. I'Ve Yet To .¨,@£#£.¨§
#§,.##£#,¨ Uncover What This Is. But You Might @&,,§§..¨¨
,¨¨,.££.¨. Have A Higher Chance Of Finding One &...,.¨#&,
@£#@,¨.,£¤ Close To A River Or Lake...? ¨,§¤¤#¨...
,£¤¨.@¤¨¨§ §¨¨#&..&&,
¨,..,...¨¨ I'Ve Also Heard Them Mentioned Together ..,.,¨¨¨,.
#¤¤&£@§&@§ With Caves Or "The World Beneath The &¤#&£§
££@#¤£¤§§& World". Coincidence? You Find Regular &££¤&£@§
¤¤¤££££¤ Snakes In Regular Caves. Or - Could ##§#&¤#§#¤
@#&¤§§#¤@§ This Be A Reference To The Dark lake? §&@¤#§£¤§@
¤#£#££££&¤ The Holy Water In The Center Of Your #£#£¤&§#&&
@###@£¤@@£ Chest. Guardians? ¤£@£@¤&&£&
¤£@#¤¤§££¤ &¤§&£&¤£¤@
#§§@@£§§@& @&£#@@£@¤#
@@£¤££§#@# &§&¤@@#¤
¤&£¤§¤#&§@ ¤¤@@§§#§
¤¤£@§@¤##@ &¤#§@&¤§#¤