£,¨,¨.,@.§ ,£&¨£¨¤#.¨
¨@.,¨,,¨,. ¨£§,¨,£¤¤.
..#¨.,,¨,¨ ,@@§¨¨£¨¤&
§,.¤.,¨¨,. ,&.¤#,.¨££
§§..&.¨¨¨, ,,¨#@@,,@.
..#@¨¤¨&@§ #~«» ~~~ ==« «~= -~= «-= -=~ ~»» =»»# §¨@.,#.§¨¤
,#,§#¤£¨¨¤ / page on snake handling. * &@@¨#£&§
@#§,¨¨£.#¤ #«~= »~« »~- ~=« =~» »-~ »=- »~« »«=# ..#§.¨¨,.&
..&.,§@§.. ,§.&.¨¨¨£.
¨£#¨£,,&¨, the goal is anyway to become lucid #@¨.,&£,
£,&£¤¨¤£¨¨ inside the dream (if the dream is a .,¨¤.¨£¨&¨
§@¨¨&¤.#¨¨ container) or while the dream takes ¨,@#.¤§§
¨#.£,&&£.£ place (if it is an event). this is ¨£¨&@.¨,.,
@##,,, somehow to do with serpents. ¤&§.£...¨.
.,¨¨¤.¤¨£, ,.#@@.,..@
.¨.&&§¤¤@@ #=~« -=» ==~ »«~ ««~ ~~» ~«~ -»- -~~# .#¨.@,.¨&§
¨.@,,¨.¨¨, ^ i knew there would be snakes, they : £§,@£,¨#¨#
.§@..,..¨£ † have this particular shape to them, ^ ¨@&,¤,&££@
§.£,,.,,@¨ † makes them fit into cracks, : £.##@§¨,.§
££@,.¨,£¤. \ into seams. † ¤§¨,.#..&.
.,&¨,.#.££ ; ¨,,»~#~-,¨. : ¨@,,@£¨£§@
¨#@.,¤#£.# * (since realm-travelness is inversely \ £§.§,##,,#
§¨@.@.¨@£, \ proportional to size; larger animals = ¨#@#@¨§,&§
§#¤¨&.¤, ^ have to stay put. = #.,,£@.¨
¨..,&§#§&, ^ snakes can cheat this by being * &,¨¤¨¨,&¨¤
..¨¤,...#, : almost one-dimensional.) ; &,££..§@&@
,¨&£,,.¤¤¨ #»~= ~»= ~~« =~~ »»~ ~-- «=~ »~« =«-# £#¨#.¤.¨,¤
,&¨@,¨¤.#¤ ¨¤§@§&¨,&£
&££&¨#&£,, eitherway. i did not fully understand §.¨.¨#.¤,#
..¨&&,,&¨¤ which role they would play, or exactly #¨.,&¤&£&¨
..#¨@¨§£¤# =which= snakes they would be - the @,,£,¨.¨&¨
.#§§&@,¨,. nagas! the snake people. @,£#¨¨.@&.
@..,.£,.., ¤&¨@.¨¤¨#¨
§...¤§,,.# you will want them to guide you if you ,@¤£¨&¤£&¤
§,¨£.@¨,&, can. they are excellent nidra guides, &.¨§£,.,.¨
#,¤§@§¨§§¨ and many will take you on pro bono #.#,¤...,§
&£.,.@§,£# (i suspect they find amusement in our ££#&£¨¨,#¨
.£¨¨@.§&.. attempts to travel where we are not ..,¨&,¨##§
&£,@&§¨§.& easy to be.) the problem is finding one. ¨,.§#.¤..¤
.£#.¨@£§#. ¨¨£.@#§¨@,
§,#¨#,.,¤& #=-» «-~ ~»« «»» ««= ~»- »~» «~- -«»# ,§,.&£§.
§§&§&,,#,. : don't fret if your meeting does not = §.,@.¤¨.@§
.¨..@¨££.. * go well - talking to a snake is : @,§#&¤.#.¨
.¨,&¤&.#¨. ; often a recursive matter. you will / ££..,#¤£¨.
¨¨@,.@£¤,¨ / meet many times as you fall deeper, ^ ,#¨,¤..@¨,
.£§¨§,,@,£ \ once per stage, the snake taking * §¤¨#¤.¤@,,
#.¤&£,&&¤. : various forms in succession (stream, † ¨¤#¨&¤.#,¨
§¤.¨#£.¨¤, \ snake, half-snake, queen, stream, / £.£&¨£#£.§
.¤.¤¨§.@£¨ / thunder). you must repeat all ; #£.£@¨.@@,
§@&£#¤¤.£§ = pleasantries each time as if you've = ¨,&,£¨&¨
¨,....#£,& ^ never before met (although the snake : &¨¤@#£§@@#
,¨¨,,&,£#, / may choose to address you as an old = #¤.¨¨¨¨,.§
,,.,£@@¨£¨ † friend, follow their lead if so). † .¤..¨,¨¨&@
¨.,@¨.¤§§# #»=» ««- -~~ =»» -~= ==~ =«= ~-~ »«~# §§¨¨¨¨,@,£
¨.£§.&,,¨& ¨§¨¨¨.¤#&£
,@¨@¤#¨¨£§ they have something to do with water, ££,,¨¤...§
¤@¤..&.&,& some close relation to it. i've yet to .£,.@&.¨
..§,§§&££¨ uncover what this is. but you might ¤&.¤.@,@.,
¨#&&,,¨,£¨ have a higher chance of finding one ,&¤#¤§£§¨.
@..@,.,&@. close to a river or lake...? #,¨.¨¨.#¨.
#,#&¨.@¨§# §,¨¨¨¨@§¨£
&§,§¨@#£,, i've also heard them mentioned together &,...@.£§¨
¨£&¤£,,#.£ with caves or "the world beneath the #,,¨£@¤.££
§¨.,#.£¤§& world". coincidence? you find regular @¨.&,¨&¤,¤
&,,@¤#,,., snakes in regular caves. or - could &¨&§,@¨#¤¨
#.§,¨&¨.¨& this be a reference to the dark lake? ¤£¨@¤£@¨§&
¤££.££.,§¨ the holy water in the center of your .#£,¨,#§.,
¨,¤£.#,@&§ chest. guardians? #¨§¨¨£¨¤¨£
,£.#@@£¨.£ £@&¨£@&@¤@
&@£¨..§.@£ ¨¨#£¨¨,¨¨&
,¨@..#&@.. ,#.#....@.
.¤@.&,,&¨. £@£#¨,.¤¤¨
@.@¤#.&&¨. ¨..@¨.£,#.