..£££..£££ .£.£.££...
..£.££.£.£ .....£££..
....££...£ £....£.££.
....£££..£ .£.....£££
£...£.££.. ..£....£.£
££....£££. $ dream palace $ ...£.....£
.££...£.££ ~ ----- ------ ~ ....£....£
.£££....££ $ ..... ...... $ .....£....
.£.££...£. † ..... ...... † ......£...
...£££.... ~ ..... ...... ~ .......£..
...£.££... ~ ..... ...... ~ £.......£.
.....£££.. . ..... ...... . .£.......£
£....£.££. ..£.......
.£.....£££ ...£......
..£....£.£ not actually a palace. a cottage in the ....£.....
...£.....£ woods (temperate climate, rains every .....£....
....£....£ other day, springs and streams and ......£...
.....£.... mysterious iron and stone artifacts, £......£..
......£... birdland-ish eternal spring (late ££......£.
.......£.. spring)) £££......£
£.......£. £.££......
.£.......£ ~ ..£££.....
..£....... ..£.££....
...£...... i wake up every morning at six am. it's £...£££...
....£..... dark, and the stars are out, but the .£..£.££..
.....£.... sun is about to rise. its a long day, ..£...£££.
......£... before it fades to night again, and ...£..£.££
£......£.. then it stays so until i fall asleep. ....£...££
££......£. it doesn't rise unless i've had my .....£..£.
£££......£ dreams. ......£...
£.££...... .......£..
..£££..... % ........£.
..£.££.... £........£
£...£££... in this cottage there's a lot of radio .£........
.£..£.££.. equipment, sound stuff, synths, tape ..£.......
..£...£££. players. pen and paper, books, cameras, £..£......
...£..£.££ mirrors, prisms, and various things to ££..£.....
....£...££ do art with. the fridge is filled with .££..£....
.....£..£. differet foods, all of them intriguing, .£££..£...
......£... slightly weird. .£.££..£..
.......£.. ...£££..£.
........£. £ ...£.££..£
£........£ .....£££..
.£........ i have friends - there's a cat, and a £....£.££.
..£....... dog (who is ridicolously large and ££.....£££
£..£...... wants to be the big spoon). i listen to .££....£.£
££..£..... the shortwave radio, and transmit a bit .£££.....£
.££..£.... myself, songs and poetry, and found .£.££....£
.£££..£... sounds from the forest. the others tell ...£££....
.£.££..£.. of their lives, play the guitar for me, £..£.££...
...£££..£. and tell tales of the old world. i ££...£££..
...£.££..£ consider them friends as well. £££..£.££.
.....£££.. £.££...£££
£....£.££. £ ..£££..£.£
££.....£££ ..£.££...£
.££....£.£ most importantly, there's a two square ....£££..£
.£££.....£ meter area on the floor where i can £...£.££..
.£.££....£ "save" things. whatever i put in here ££....£££.
...£££.... will not be affected by the nightly .££...£.££
£..£.££... reset. everything else, however, is .£££....££
££...£££.. completely reset overnight: synth .£.££...£.
£££..£.££. patches removed, food uneaten, wounds ...£££....
£.££...£££ healed, and wherever and whenever i'd ...£.££...
..£££..£.£ fall asleep i'd always wake up fully .....£££..
..£.££...£ rested in my bed. sometimes there's £....£.££.
....£££..£ accidents where i lose stuff by .£.....£££
£...£.££.. forgetting to put them in the square. ..£....£.£
££....£££. ...£.....£
.££...£.££ . ....£....£
.£££....££ .....£....
.£.££...£. at night, i have demi-lucid dreams ......£...
...£££.... where the spirits of the forest around .......£..
...£.££... the cottage tries to communicate. here, £.......£.
.....£££.. it's not endless but connected to a .£.......£
£....£.££. large sprawling city, where my radio ..£.......
.£.....£££ friends live. we go exploring together ...£......
..£....£.£ - things are deep and dark - but unlike ....£.....
...£.....£ me, they never remember during the day. .....£....
....£....£ this is a mystery we often discuss. ......£...
.....£.... £......£..
......£... ££......£.
.......£.. £££......£
£.......£. £.££......
.£.......£ ..£££.....
..£....... ..£.££....