:»:§%§@### ###@§%§:»:
,:»:§%§### ###§%§:»:,
,,,,:»:§%@ @%§:»:,,,,
,:»:§%§@@# #@@§%§:»:,
,:»»::%%§# #§%%::»»:,
,::»»:%§@# , #@§%:»»::,
,,,»»»§§§@ , @§§§»»»,,,
,,,,,,»§%@ , :, @%§»,,,,,,
,,,,,,::%@ Gull Call. , , : @%::,,,,,,
,::§%§@### »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» ###@§%§::,
,:»:§%§@## ##@§%§:»:,
,:»:§%§@## The Seagull Is A Metaphysics Trick; A ##@§%§:»:,
,:»:§%§@## World-Builder'S Shortcut, To Define A ##@§%§:»:,
,:»:§%§@## Section Of Reality And Imply Its Size: ##@§%§:»:,
,,,,,»§%%@ Place A Flock Of Birds At The Edge And @%%§»,,,,,
,:»:§%§§§§ Make Their Calls Tesselate Over The §§§§%§:»:,
,,,,»::%%§ Entire Volume §%%::»,,,,
,:»:§%§@## ##@§%§:»:,
,:»:§%@### A Seagull Can Be Defined By As Little ###@%§:»:,
,:»:§%§@## As Five Vertices; Six Triangles. (I ##@§%§:»:,
,:»:§%§§§@ Would Recommend Handling In Swarms Of @§§§%§:»:,
,,,,:::%%@ At Least A Dozen Birds.) @%%:::,,,,
,:»:§%§@## ##@§%§:»:,
,,:::§%§§§ §§§%§:::,,
,:»:§%§@## ##@§%§:»:,
,:»:§%§### ###§%§:»:,
,,,,::%%§§ §§%%::,,,,