,,@@@,@@@@ @@@@@,,,,@
,@,,@@,,,@ ,,,,@,,,@@
@@,@,@,,@@ ,,,@@,,@,@
,@@@@@,@,, ,,@,@,@@@,
@,,,,@@@,, ,@@@@@,,@,
@,,,@,,@,, /// ~~ ,,,,,,,, ~~ /// @,,,,@,@@@
@,,@@,@@,, // ~ the most delightful thing... ~ // @,,,@@@,,,
@,@,@@,@,, /// ~~ ,,,,,,,, ~~ /// @,,@,,@,,@
@@@@,@@@,, @,@@,@@,@,
,,,@@,,@,, to become a stone... a big, dark and @@,@@,@@@@
,,@,@,@@,@ porous stone... ,@@,@@,,,@
,@@@@@,@@@ @,@@,@,,@@
@,,,,@@,,@ a cavernous stone. a part of the vast @@,@@@,@,@
@,,,@,@,@@ hollowness of the earth. within you the ,@@,,@@@@,
@,,@@@@@,, same air as is within the mountains. @,@,@,,,@@
@,@,,,,@,@ @@@@@,,@,,
@@@,,,@@@, cold air, good air, great and slow air. ,,,,@,@@,@
,,@,,@,,@, moving throughout. ,,,@@@,@@,
,@@,@@,@@@ ,,@,,@@,@,
@,@@,@@,,@ to be wired in... loosened up... eroded ,@@,@,@@@,
@@,@@,@,@, away... down and out... @,@@@@,,@@
,@@,@@@@@@ @@,,,@,@,,
@,@@,,,,,@ ,@,,@@@@,,
@@,@,,,,@, @@,@,,,@,@
,@@@,,,@@, ,@@@,,@@@,
@,,@,,@,@@ @,,@,@,,@,
@,@@,@@@,, @,@@@@,@@@