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£.£££.££.. »»»»\§\ Vast Miku Can Be \§\»»» .£..£.....
££..££.£.£ .§§§§\» Experienced At Night »\§§§§. ££.££....£
.£.£.££££. »\§§»»»»»»»».. ..»»»»»»§§\» .££.£...£.
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..£.£££.££ . Sunset Is A Spell, The Explosion . £££....£££
.£££..££.£ When The Spell Is Cast, The Seal That ..£...£..£
£..£.£.££. Binds The Day. And Then Finally Comes .££..££.££
£.£££££.££ The Night. The Unnatural Default State. £.£.£.££..
££....££.£ And There She Is, Until The Magic Fades ££££££.£.£
.£...£.££. . And Day Begins Again. . .....££££.
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..£.....£. .§\» Vast miku Is Best Experienced »\§. £.....£££.
.££....£££ »»»»\§\ Lying Down \§\»»» £....£..£.
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