,^=^%£@### ###@£%^=^,
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,^=^%£@### ^@##£^^, ,^=%@##%^ ###@£%^=^,
,^=^%£@### ,%##^, ^£##= ###@£%^=^,
,,,,,,=^%@ %##^ ,%##^ @%^=,,,,,,
,,,,^^^%@# ,##^ ,@#^ #@%^^^,,,,
,^=^%£@### ,##, %#% ###@£%^=^,
,,,,,=^%@@ ##, £#= @@%^=,,,,,
,,,==^£@## ^#^ ## ##@£^==,,,
,^=^%£@### £## %#£ ###@£%^=^,
,,,=^^^£## ### =## ##£^^^=,,,
,,,,==%@## ### earth yo =## ##@%==,,,,
,^=^%@#### £## %#£ ####@%^=^,
,,,^==^££# ^#^ ## #££^==^,,,
,^=^%£@### ##, £#= ###@£%^=^,
,^=^^^%£@# ,##, %#% #@£%^^^=^,
^=^%£@#### ,##= ,@#^ ####@£%^=^
,^=^%£@### %#@^ ^##^ ###@£%^=^,
,^=^%£@### ,£##^, ^£##^ ###@£%^=^,
,^=^%£@### ,^@##£^^, ,^=%@##%^ ###@£%^=^,
,^=^%£@### ^^£@#########@%=, ###@£%^=^,
,^=^%£@### ###@£%^=^,
,,,,,^==%@ @%==^,,,,,
,^==^^££@# #@££^^==^,
,,,^^^%%%@ since it's in space nobody really knows @%%%^^^,,,
,,,,,^^^£@ @£^^^,,,,,
,^=^%£@### whats up with it but we live on it ###@£%^=^,
,^=^%£@### ###@£%^=^,
,^==^%%£## nonetheless, because we're badasses ##£%%^==^,
,^=^%£@### ###@£%^=^,
,,,^==%@## and don't really have a choice anyway. ##@%==^,,,
,,,,,,^^£@ @£^^,,,,,,
,,,,,,^^£@ @£^^,,,,,,
,,^^==%££# #££%==^^,,
,,^^==^£@# it has a good friend in the moon. #@£^==^^,,
,^=^%£@### ###@£%^=^,
,,,,=^^££# it has a fur made of forests. #££^^=,,,,
,,,,^^^=%@ @%=^^^,,,,
,^=^%£@### all known life orginates here, even ###@£%^=^,
,^=^%££@## ##@££%^=^,
,,,,,,^^£@ that in dreams and thoughts. @£^^,,,,,,
,,,=^^%%£# #£%%^^=,,,
,^=^%£#### ####£%^=^,
,^=^£@#### ####@£^=^,
,^^%£@#### ####@£%^^,
,^=^%£@### ###@£%^=^,
,^===^££@@ @@££^===^,