,:=**£&# ##&&£**=:,
,:=**£@# #@#&£**=:,
,,,::=*££# #££*=::,,,
,:=**£&# ##&&£**=:,
,:=**£££&@ @&£££**=:,
,:=**£@# #& Dentists Like Teeth #& #@#&£**=:,
,:=**££££& &:,& &,:& &££££**=:,
,:=**£@@ &,:& Dentists Like Belting Your &:,& @@#&£**=:,
,:=**£@# #& Arms And Legs To A Specialized #& #@#&£**=:,
,:=**£@# Chair (The Manufacturer Must Not #@#&£**=:,
,,,,,==*£# Ask Questions, Or Look Them In The Eye) #£*==,,,,,
,,,,=*** And Prop Your Mouth Open With A #&***=,,,,
,:=**£@# Spreader. #@#&£**=:,
,:=**£@@ @@#&£**=:,
,:=*£@## To Take The Finest Weapon That The Body ##@#&£*=:,
,:=*£@## Has To Offer (The Mouth), And ##@#&£*=:,
,:=**£@@ Completely Neutralize It, Fold It Open, @@#&£**=:,
,:=**£@# And Tease It - This Is Their Reward And #@#&£**=:,
,:=**£@# Pleasure. #@#&£**=:,
,:=**£#@## ##@#£**=:,
,:=**£@# To Touch Their Finger Upon A Fang... #@#&£**=:,
,:=**£@@ To Let It Pierce And Draw Blood... @@#&£**=:,
,:=**£&@## ##@&£**=:,
,:=**£&&&& In Their Lairs They Have &&&&£**=:,
,:=**£@# Wonderfully Weird Machines And Tools #@#&£**=:,
,:=**£@# To ---- Well, What'S More Interesting #@#&£**=:,
,:=*****&@ Is That They Can Never Operate @&*****=:,
,:=**£@# On Themselves (Without Significant #@#&£**=:,
,,,,,=*&&@ #& Risk), But Must Instead Visit #& @&&*=,,,,,
,:=**£@# &,:& One Of Their Own Kin. Dentists &:,& #@#&£**=:,
,:=**££££# &:,& Operating On Dentists, &,:& #££££**=:,
,:=**£&&&& #& Sh Sh Sh. Makes You Shudder. #& &&&&£**=:,
,,,,=**& #&&**=,,,,
,:=**£@# #@#&£**=:,
,:=**£&@## ##@&£**=:,
,,,:=***&& &&***=:,,,
,,,::==*&@ @&*==::,,,