#&£†=.^,¨, ,¨,^.=†£
¶#§%/^»»~¨ ¨~»»^/%§#¶
###¤£*=»,. .,»=*£¤###
#@@§£%\«.¨ ¨.«\%£§@@#
@#§§\^=:.. ..:=^\§§#@
@£§†;,,.,¨ » # ~ # ¨,.,,;†§£@
§¤§£§%†=:¨ ¨#. ~-~~»-=-~--~-»-==~»» ¨#¨ ¨:=†%§£§¤§
#@#%†§*~~¨ #¨ the secret meaning # ¨~~*§†%#@#
###¶$*†-,. .#¨ of places ..#. .,-†*$¶###
##¶@%**~,. :# = =««=~~====~»~~~=-«-~ ,# « .,~**%@¶##
¶%=---,.¨¨ #¨ ¨#, ¨ ¨¨.,---=%¶
##@¤%=†»,, , ¨ ¨ . . : §&¤%~, ¨¨ † % ## ,,»†=%¤@##
###£%^;«.¨ # # ###@ ¤#¶########.¨ ¨.«;^%£###
##@¤$%/»:¨ ¨ , , .¨ . :†¤&% , $ ^ ^ ¨:»/%$¤@##
#@@¤%%=»-¨ ,. = ~ = » ¨-»=%%¤@@#
£&*^.:~~¨¨ , sell time to find me. magnetic ¨¨~~:.^*&£
#@#@*§†«-, things last longer. the physical ,-«†§*@#@#
£*^*=,,,.. manifestation of [???] objects stored ..,,,=*^*£
§&@†*=-^,¨ in ether. stored... aged, like whiskey. ¨,^-=*†@&§
#§=;..¨¨.. ~ - ~ ~ % ~ ~' ..¨¨..;=§#
##¶§@*†«,, there's a great [???]mark around where ,,«†*@§¶##
##@@£%%*=- [is] and [???] -=*%%£@@##
§&§~¨¨¨,,. i see ten thousand tribes from here, .,,¨¨¨~§&§
@%*=~«~-.. and kind [???] ..-~«~=*%@
#%:;«~.,.. if i told about pylons etc ..,.~«;:%#
¤%~=,¨.,¨, - $ ,¨,.¨,=~%¤
@#£§*§\~:. « = . . ¨¨ ¨.¨ . ¨,,.,..¨¨,, . .:~\§*§£#@
#@¶§&*†«-. grimes, like in mistborn.,¨ -¨ .¨¨. .-«†*&§¶@#
¤&*;:«,¨.. ~ = . :~^~^ , ~- . » ..¨,«:;*&¤
&&%$%†*=-¨ ~ ¨-=*†%$%&&
###&¤%*«.. bloody-minded vore-willing ..«*%¤##
##£@£§^-,, «&= filth-willing spring-wolf ^ ,,-^§£@£##
##@@¤*\«.¨ ~ (plants who smell like food?) ~ ¨.«\*¤@@##
@@¶¤§=^»,¨ he roams... everything is like a garden. ¨,»^=§¤¶@@
###£$%†»~, , , a "garden" ,~»†%$£###
#&¤§=,,..¨ ~.:~ : ~ . , = ¨..,,=§¤
###£@£=;~¨ to expand on the concept of normalcy: % ¨~;=£@£###
##@§$**«.. ~~~«=~~=~«««=~»-=~;:^† the flesh is % ..«**$§@##
@£¤£$;:,¨¨ the centerpiece - it filters your = ¨¨,:;$£¤£@
££;==».¨,. experience, soaks up impressions like a= .,¨.»==;££
###@*†\~:. sponge [???] a [???] a sponge that .:~\†*@###
##@§$††=:, colours its burden. it empties itself in ,:=††$§@##
@#&$^=,~¨, your brain. ¨ ¨ ,¨~,=^$@
&¤¤#%=*-.. the brain is also a filter, , ..-*=%#¤¤&
&§^*=^:~¨. a distorter, a guardian, a sleuth, .¨~:^=*^§&
#£@§$§:-,¨ ^a full on [???] malicious [???] [???] ¨,-:§$§@£#
&%/^¨.,¨¨¨ meter man, [???] , ¨¨¨,.¨^/%&
#£%%§~~.,. ^ ~ . .,.~~§%%£#
##@@%*\~,, ~ mess with the body and [???] the . ,,~\*%@@##
##£@&%\»,, falsely colored impressions are ,,»\%&@£##
@¤$†~~^^.. interpreted . ..^^~~†$¤@
@¤@*=\/-~, « differently.. they'll travel ,~-/\=*@¤@
###¤*§†=:¨ another road... another reality is built ¨:=†§*¤###
#£§-~,.,,¨ . = ¨ ¨,,.,~-§£#
£¤†*=:.,,¨ mess with the brain as well... , ¨,,.:=*†¤£
£§~,,...., all properties are lost.». everything is ,....,,~§£
#@@&*§^~~¨ made of sand. [???] four dimensional ¨~~^§*&@@#
###£¤†/~,, sculpture. - « ¨, ¨ ~ ,,~/†¤£###
#@£&§§†~:, ¨ . % $ % . %. .*.^,$¨¨ .. ¨ ,:~†§§&£@#
@¤£*/^¨.¨. = , , - - ,:: .¨.¨^/*£¤@
@@$%^--¨., the wolf is thus like † † # ,.¨--^%$@@
##@§@%*=:¨ * - a fluid , ¨:=*%@§@##
§=^~~¨¨... moss, forest, "the wild", shadows, the ...¨¨~~^=§
#¤^:†^~^.. darkness at the side of the road, ..^~^†:^¤#
#@£§¤*\~^. secret places in general. a secret , .^~\*¤§£@#
#&%%:-.,.. spectrum of animals. , ..,.-:%%
#¤&%$$/=^, ¨ , ,^=/$$%&¤#
&§@%»~^.,¨ ¨ . . ¨ ¨,.^~»%@§&
£##¤$*=«,, ,¨ ¨ . ¨¨ * % , . ,,«=*$¤##£
###@$^^»~. . ^ ~*†/ % =†* * ^ , / * .~»^^$@###
#@@£§*\=~, » % $ / ~ % = ~ ,~=\*§£@@#
##¤%:-,.., » = = = « - ,..,-:%¤##
###¤%=*»., - ~ ~ ,.»*=%¤###
#@@#£%^-^. eight bars of information, looping ~ .^-^%£#@@#
###&@$\=.¨ among the sounds - ¨.=\$@##
###£§$†«,, » . ,,«†$§£###
£$&*,¨¨,,¨ of some unmarked treasure... often as a ¨,,¨¨,*&$£
#@#§%%:=^¨ fractalesque rabbit hole - unmapped ¨^=:%%§#@#
@@*%%«^.., - territory condensed to a point. ,..^«%%*@@
###&£§:»~, ~ » ,~»:§£##
#¤$»«=~,.¨ something escaped [???] possibly looming ¨.,~=«»$¤#
##@£%$;»:. at the center of the map .:»;$%£@##
@$@*~,,.¨, ,¨.,,~*@$@
##@@&†^»-, addicted to the sylveon feelers. i am ,-»^†&@@##
#@#@***~^, going to throw all of my things out. i ,^~***@#@#
#@#§&=^-:¨ am going to destroy all my shit ¨:-^=&§#@#
@@§#*%*-~. % .~-*%*#§@@
#@##*==~^. .^~==*##@#
##£&&=/~., i was in the lake and the water wass ,.~/=&&£##
##@¤@†/~:¨ still. i was in the lake and bent myself ¨:~/†@¤@##
@@#§£=*»~, into an arc over the water below me and ,~»*=£§#@@
##£§§%^=~. watched the horizon under me, with my .~=^%§§£##
##@@£^*~,, , breathing adjusted ,,~*^£@@##
@§¤£$^†=:, ~ , * ,:=†^$£¤§@
##@§¤$\«~, « « ~ ,~«\$¤§@##
#@##¤$^=,, junehop two secret bug trax , ,,=^$¤##@#
##¶@&=†=:. tapedrop .:=†=&@¶##
@%£@£$\«,¨ , . softcore anime dub , ¨,«\$£@£%@
##@#&*†»^. .^»†*@##
#@#§@^;-^, vocal sleaze twenty twentyone ^ ,^-;^@§#@#
¤%$%^~«».¨ $ » ~ ¨ ¨.»«~^%$%¤
¤$~,.¨..¨, ,¨..¨.,~$¤
###@@%^~:¨ qr-horo (wolf girl but expressed ¨:~^%@@###
@%%§*~»,¨, as a two dimensional bar code) ,¨,»~*§%%@
@*^«~..¨,¨ $ - * ¨,¨..~«^*@
###@¤§*=-¨ « : ¨-=*§¤@###
##@§&*=~~. / .~~=*&§@##
#§$«,¨.¨,. ; , .,¨.¨,«$§#
#¤§*$=†=-, ,-=†=$*§¤#
@§£%&$/«:¨ - ¨:«/$&%£§@
#@¶#&=/«^¨ ¨^«/=¶@#
#@@¤¤%^--. , .--^%¤¤@@#
#@#§$†:»,¨ ¨,»:†$§#@#
###£$†/-,, ,,-/†$£###
£&%*,.,,.¨ ¨.,,.,*%&£
##£#%†;~-¨ ¨-~;†%#£##
¶¶@£%††~.¨ ¨.~††%£@¶¶
##@#£%*«,. .,«*%£#@##