get down on your claws          
 it  must  evoke  the  feeling  of having 
 friends.  it must be for to do crime. to 
           do what isn't done-            
 to do what isn't  done through  the thin 
 paper wrapping around the soul.  opening 
 get down  on  your  claws.  don't  raise 
 arms  in  defense.  don't  peirce   like 
         thorns through the paper.        
          and then rip it apart           
 on the  floor of the sea lies  the  most 
 peculiar sludge creature, with a dreamy  
    face... they are experiencing pure    
 ecstasy  in a self-made reactor meltdown 
  (underwater society nudges inhabitants  
 into  this hole  as  a  way  of  dodging 
   liquid sea dragon                    
   subsuming reagents                   
   resuming common sense                
   and harming gentlemen                
   farming lives and then               
 keeping  that poison inbetween  its many 
            blue fleshy spikes