.^»†^@@£@# #@£@@^†»^.
.^»†^@@£@# #@£@@^†»^.
.^»†^@@£@# #@£@@^†»^.
.^»†^@@£@# #@£@@^†»^.
.^»†^@@@££ ££@@@^†»^.
.^»†^@@@£@ ††† »» ^^^^^^^^ »» ††† @£@@@^†»^.
.^»†^@@@## †† » the most delightful thing... » †† ##@@@^†»^.
.^»†^^^@£@ ††† »» ^^^^^^^^ »» ††† @£@^^^†»^.
.^»†^@@£## ##£@@^†»^.
.^»†^@@@## to become a stone... a big, dark and ##@@@^†»^.
.^»†^@@£@@ porous stone... @@£@@^†»^.
.^»††^@@@£ £@@@^††»^.
.^»†^@@£@# a cavernous stone. a part of the vast #@£@@^†»^.
.^»†^@@££@ hollowness of the earth. within you the @££@@^†»^.
.^»†^@@@@@ same air as is within the mountains. @@@@@^†»^.
.^»†^@@£@# #@£@@^†»^.
.^»†^@@£@@ cold air, good air, great and slow air. @@£@@^†»^.
......»^^@ moving throughout. @^^»......
.^»†^@@£@@ @@£@@^†»^.
.^»†^@@£@# to be wired in... loosened up... eroded #@£@@^†»^.
.^^^^^†@@£ away... down and out... £@@†^^^^^.
.^»†^@@£@# #@£@@^†»^.
.^»†^@@@@@ @@@@@^†»^.
.^»†††^^@£ £@^^†††»^.
...^^»^@@£ £@@^»^^...
....»»^@@@ @@@^»»....
...^»^^@£@ @£@^^»^...