@^-:...... ......:-^@
##£@%^†-:. .:-†^%@£##
##£@%^†-:. .:-†^%@£##
##£@%^†-:. .:-†^%@£##
£@@%^†:... ...:†^%@@£
@^-....... . . . . . . .......-^@
#@@^††-... h o u s e ...-††^@@#
#@^††--... . . . . . . ...--††^@#
##£@%^†-:. .:-†^%@£##
£@@^†††-:. i mean like, you live in it an shit, .:-†††^@@£
@%†::..... and you get to decorate .....::†%@
#@%%^-::.. ..::-^%%@#
##£@%^†-:. or maybe (imean uuuuuh it )might be some .:-†^%@£##
##£@%^†-:. one elses house... a house is a building .:-†^%@£##
@@%^--:::. you sleep in? or some person sleeps in? .:::--^%@@
##£@%^†-:. .:-†^%@£##
@%^---:... it's a house if you ...:---^%@
##£@%^†-:. ::. rent it .:: .:-†^%@£##
##£@%^†-:. --. own it .-- .:-†^%@£##
£@%^^^†-:. ::. like the colour .:: .:-†^^^%@£
##£@%^†-:. --. have a pet in there .-- .:-†^%@£##
##£@%^†-:. ::. dream of it .:: .:-†^%@£##
@@^^-:.... --. have a relation to it .-- ....:-^^@@
@@^†:..... ::. like the taste of it .:: .....:†^@@
#@%^††--:. --. have friends there .-- .:--††^%@#
@%††-:.... ::. know it by heart .:: ....:-††%@
£%†:...... --. made it up .-- ......:†%£
##£@%^†-:. ::. do drugs there .:: .:-†^%@£##
##£@%^†-:. --. died there .-- .:-†^%@£##
##£@%^†-:. ... and if it's also where you sleep .:-†^%@£##
#£@^--.... ....--^@£#
##£@%^†-:. .:-†^%@£##
#@@%^--::. if it's a place where you wake up at .::--^%@@#
##£@%^†-:. night but not in the morning we can .:-†^%@£##
##£@%^†-:. discuss it, call my phone number .:-†^%@£##
##£@%^†-:. .:-†^%@£##
#££@%^†-:. .:-†^%@££#
##£@%^†-:. it could also be something you build .:-†^%@£##
£@%%%^†-:. out of rocks and fabric for your .:-†^%%%@£
#£@%^^†-:. unanimate anthro companion animal .:-†^^%@£#
£@^†:..... .....:†^@£
##£@%^†-:. .:-†^%@£##
@^†-...... ......-†^@
£@^^†:.... ....:†^^@£
£££@%^†-:. .:-†^%@£££