....-\%&£# #£&%\-....
.::::::\&& &&\::::::.
....:\\%&£ £&%\\:....
.:-\%&&£## ##£&&%\-:.
....::\&&& &&&\::....
.:-%&&£### #### # # #### # # ###£&&%-:.
....::\%&& # # # # # ## # &&%\::....
.:-\%&&£## #### # # #### # # # ##£&&%\-:.
.:-\%&&£## # # # # # # # # ##£&&%\-:.
.:-\%&&£## # # #### # #### # ## ##£&&%\-:.
....:-\&&£ £&&\-:....
.:-\%&&£## Alien (From Greek "Something Or The ##£&&%\-:.
.:-\%%%&££ Other") - An Entity Far Enough Removed ££&%%%\-:.
.-\%&&£### From You That You Do Not Recognize ###£&&%\-.
.:-\%&£### Yourself In It... ###£&%\-:.
.:-\&&£### ###£&&\-:.
....--%%%& (This Is Not True By The Way - You'Ll &%%%--....
.:-\%&&£## Always Recognize Yourself In It) ##£&&%\-:.
.....-\%&£ £&%\-.....
.:-\%&&£## ################ ##£&&%\-:.
.:\%&&£### ###£&&%\:.
..:::\&&&& An Illusion Or Conspiracy To Remove You &&&&\:::..
.:-\%&£### From Yourself... On The Other Hand, I ###£&%\-:.
.....:\&&& Very Surely .Am. The Outside Peeking &&&\:.....
...:-\\%&& In... &&%\\-:...
.:-\%&&£## ##£&&%\-:.
.:-\%&&£££ A Novice At Lizardry Maybe. But A £££&&%\-:.
......-%&£ Lizard Nonetheless. £&%-......
.:-\%&&£## ##£&&%\-:.
....:\%&££ ###### ££&%\:....
.:-\%&&£## ##£&&%\-:.
.:-\%&&£## You Can Percieve Yourself (The Entity) ##£&&%\-:.
.:-\%&&£## As A Generalized Member Of Your Speices ##£&&%\-:.
.:::\\&&&& (If You Have One) &&&&\\:::.
...:\\%&££ ££&%\\:...
.:-\%&&&££ ££&&&%\-:.
...:--%& #&&%--:...
.:-\%&&£## ##£&&%\-:.
.:-\%&£### ###£&%\-:.