£.....£... ..££.£.£..
.£.....£.. £.££....£.
..£.....£. ..£££....£
£..£.....£ ..£.££....
.£..£..... £...£££...
..£..£.... . . . .£..£.££..
...£..£... . . . . . . ..£...£££.
....£..£.. , , , , , , , , ...£..£.££
£....£..£. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ....£...££
££....£..£ ======================================== £....£..£.
£££....£.. .£....£...
£.££....£. just off the coast to the baltic sea ..£....£..
..£££....£ there's a freshwater pond, secluded £..£....£.
..£.££.... among ashen and juniper. a cleft in the .£..£....£
£...£££... limestone bedrock, sharp-cut from the ..£..£....
.£..£.££.. surrounding plains, a ninety degree £..£..£...
..£...£££. drop down, down, to the midnight-black ££..£..£..
...£..£.££ water. £££..£..£.
....£...££ £.££..£..£
£....£..£. ~~~~$$$$$$$$~~~~ ..£££..£..
.£....£... ~~$$ $$~~ ..£.££..£.
..£....£.. ~~~~~$$ fairies live here. $$~~~~~ £...£££..£
£..£....£. ~~$$ $$~~ .£..£.££..
.£..£....£ ~~~~$$$$$$$$~~~~ ..£...£££.
..£..£.... ...£..£.££
£..£..£... they speak to the sloane, caress it, ....£...££
££..£..£.. urge it to grow thicker, tangled, with .....£..£.
£££..£..£. longer and sharper thorns. they tell it ......£...
£.££..£..£ to stay just below the grass, so that £......£..
..£££..£.. the animals what come to drink the ££......£.
..£.££..£. water cannot see it before it draws .££......£
£...£££..£ their blood. closer to the pond, the .£££......
.£..£.££.. sloane can grow taller, being able to .£.££.....
..£...£££. hide also in the juniper. ...£££....
...£..£.££ ...£.££...
....£...££ the fairies will beckon the animals to £....£££..
.....£..£. push forward, tell them that they're ££...£.££.
......£... almost at the water, that they may .££....£££
£......£.. drink soon. and they will tug on the .£££...£.£
££......£. sloane to make sure that the thorns cut .£.££....£
.££......£ deep. when they finally find the path ...£££...£
.£££...... down between the rocks, away from the £..£.££...
.£.££..... bushwork and into the cleft, they are ££...£££..
...£££.... bleeding from a thousand wounds. as £££..£.££.
...£.££... they drink from the dark water, it is £.££...£££
£....£££.. in turn drinking the animals blood. ..£££..£.£
££...£.££. ..£.££...£
.££....£££ the circle is complete, the contract ....£££..£
.£££...£.£ carried out; the animal is abandoned to ....£.££..
.£.££....£ find its own way back. the bushes roots ......£££.
...£££...£ drink the nutrutious water. the fairies ......£.££
£..£.££... dance in the sunbeams. ........££
££...£££.. £.......£.
£££..£.££. ======================================== .£........
£.££...£££ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ..£.......
..£££..£.£ , , , , , , , , £..£......
..£.££...£ . . . . . . .£..£.....
....£££..£ . . . ..£..£....
....£.££.. ...£..£...
......£££. ....£..£..
......£.££ £....£..£.
........££ ££....£..£
£.......£. £££....£..