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,,==$%&£## ##£&%$==,,
,,==$%&£## ##£&%$==,,
,,==$%&£## ##£&%$==,,
,,==%&£### ###£&%==,,
,,==$%&£££ Day , Dream , Daydream £££&%$==,,
,,==$%&£## ,,, ,,, ##£&%$==,,
,,===$$$&& ,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, &&$$$===,,
,,==$%&£## ##£&%$==,,
,,,,==$& ,% We Are Trying To Figure Out When %, #&&$==,,,,
,,,,,=$&££ ,% The Day Is, Really, Because There %, ££&$=,,,,,
,,==$%&£## ,% Are Conflicting Views On This %, ##£&%$==,,
,,,,===$%& &%$===,,,,
,,,,,,==%£ ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, , ,,,,, £%==,,,,,,
,,==$%&£## ,,,, ,,, ,, ##£&%$==,,
,,,,,,=%%& &%%=,,,,,,
,,==$%&&&£ Old School Thinkers And Worshippers £&&&%$==,,
,,,=====$& Will Say That The Day Starts When The &$=====,,,
,,=$%&£### Sun Rises, Because, You Know, Thats ###£&%$=,,
,,==$%&£## True Isn'T It ##£&%$==,,
,,,,,,=$$& &$$=,,,,,,
,,,,,==$%& Boring People Will Say That The Day &%$==,,,,,
,,,,,=%%%£ Starts At Eight And Ends At Five... £%%%=,,,,,
,,==$%&£££ Don'T Believe Them £££&%$==,,
,,,,===$&£ £&$===,,,,
,,==$%&£## New School Neuroatypical Beings Might ##£&%$==,,
,,==$%&&£# Argue That The Day Starts When You Wake #£&&%$==,,
,,==$%&£## Up. ##£&%$==,,
,,,,,,=% #&%=,,,,,,
,,,,,=$%%& , &%%$=,,,,,
,,,,=$%%&& &&%%$=,,,,
,,,,,,==$& These Are Probably Different Concepts &$==,,,,,,
,,,,=$%& But The Confusion Is Neat #&&%$=,,,,
,,==$%&£## ##£&%$==,,
,,==$%&£## I Mean You Can Be Awake At Night? ##£&%$==,,
,,==$%&£## ##£&%$==,,
,,==$&£### Maybe It'S Only A Day When You Are ###£&$==,,
,,==$%&£## Awake To Experience It, And Then Only ##£&%$==,,
,,==$%&£## If The Sun Is Up ##£&%$==,,
,,==$%&£## ##£&%$==,,
,,==$%%%£# What If Its Cloudy? #£%%%$==,,
,,==$%&£## ##£&%$==,,
,,,,,,,=%& &%=,,,,,,,
,,,,,,==$& &$==,,,,,,
,,,,,===%£ £%===,,,,,
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