§§§§.§§.§. §§§.§....§
...§§.§§§. ..§§§...§.
..§.§§..§§ .§..§..§§.
.§§§.§.§.§ §§.§§.§.§.
§..§§§§§§. .§§.§§§§§.
§.§.....§. . §.§§....§§
§§§....§§§ . §§.§...§..
..§...§... . :. .§§§..§§.§
.§§..§§... Gull Call. . . : §..§.§.§§§
§.§.§.§..§ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ §.§§§§§..§
§§§§§§§.§. §§....§.§.
......§§§. The Seagull Is A Metaphysics Trick; A .§...§§§§§
.....§..§. World-Builder'S Shortcut, To Define A §§..§....§
....§§.§§§ Section Of Reality And Imply Its Size: .§.§§...§§
...§.§§..§ Place A Flock Of Birds At The Edge And §§§.§..§.§
..§§§.§.§. Make Their Calls Tesselate Over The ..§§§.§§§§
.§..§§§§§§ Entire Volume .§..§§...§
§§.§.....§ §§.§.§..§§
.§§§....§§ A Seagull Can Be Defined By As Little .§§§§§.§..
§..§...§.§ As Five Vertices; Six Triangles. (I §....§§§..
§.§§..§§§. Would Recommend Handling In Swarms Of §...§..§.§
§§.§.§..§§ At Least A Dozen Birds.) §..§§.§§§.
.§§§§§.§.. §.§.§§..§§
§....§§§.. §§§§.§.§.§
§...§..§.§ ...§§§§§§.
§..§§.§§§. ..§.....§§
§.§.§§..§§ .§§....§..