,,&&&,&,&, &,&&,&&,&&
,&,&&,&,&, &,,&,,&,,&
,&,,&,&,&, &,&&,&&,&&
,&,&&,&,&, &,,&,,&,,&
,&,,&,&,&, &,&&,&&,&&
&&,,&&&,,& «« ,,,&,&&,&,
&&&,&,&&,, ^,@^,@^,@ «,,« ,^@,^@,^@ ,,,,,&&,,,
&,&,,,&&&, ,@ ^@ &,,,,&&&,,
,,,&,,&,&& @^ At First They Think They Hear A ,^ ,&,,,&,&&,
,,,,&,,,&& ^, Bird, An Elusive Call They Can'T @, ,,&,,,,&&&
&,,,,&,,&, ,@ Place, And They Will Linger. Lured ^@ ,,,&,,,&,&
&&,,,,&,,, @^ By The Trills (We Create Synthetic ,^ ,,,,&,,,,&
,&&,,,,&,, ^, Trills To Saturate And Confuse The @, &,,,,&,,,&
,&&&,,,,&, ,@ Senses) They Edge Nearer. Until ^@ ,&,,,,&,,,
,&,&&,,,,& @^ They Are Suddenly Too Close. Then ,^ ,,&,,,,&,,
,,,&&&,,,, ^, Our Full Call In All It'S Majesty, @, ,,,&,,,,&,
,,,&,&&,,, ,@ Piercing Them And Enflaming A Fake ^@ ,,,,&,,,,&
&,,,,&&&,, @^ Love To Drench All Others! ,^ ,,,,,&,,,,
,&,,,&,&&, ,@ ^@ &,,,,,&,,,
,,&,,,,&&& @^,@^,@^, ^@,^@,^@, &&,,,,,&,,
,,,&,,,&,& «,,« &&&,,,,,&,
,,,,&,,,,& ^,@^,@^,@ ,^@,^@,^@ &,&&,,,,,&
&,,,,&,,,& ,@ ^@ ,,&&&,,,,,
,&,,,,&,,, @^ And Then, We Quickly Pull Away ,^ ,,&,&&,,,,
,,&,,,,&,, ^, That New Love, And They Shall Be @, &,,,&&&,,,
,,,&,,,,&, ,@ Like Moths, Searching For Any ^@ &&,,&,&&,,
,,,,&,,,,& @^ Glimmer, Anything To Nurture This ,^ ,&&,,,&&&,
,,,,,&,,,, ^, New And Fiery Need We Instilled @, ,&&&,,&,&&
&,,,,,&,,, ,@ In Their Hearts. ^@ ,&,&&,,,&&
&&,,,,,&,, @^ ,^ ,,,&&&,,&,
&&&,,,,,&, ^,@^,@^,@ «,,« ,^@,^@,^@ ,,,&,&&,,,
&,&&,,,,,& «« &,,,,&&&,,
,,&&&,,,,, ,&,,,&,&&,
,,&,&&,,,, ,,&,,,,&&&
&,,,&&&,,, ,,,&,,,&,&
&&,,&,&&,, ,,,,&,,,,&
,&&,,,&&&, &,,,,&,,,&
,&&&,,&,&& &&,,,,&,,,