£%\,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,\%£
#@@£%%\-,, ,,-\%%£@@#
#@@£%%\-,, ,,-\%%£@@#
#@@£%%\-,, ,,-\%%£@@#
@£%%%\,,,, ,,,,\%%%£@
##@@%%\-,, @--------------------------@ ,,-\%%@@##
@@@£%%\-,, \ \ ,,-\%%£@@@
£%\,,,,,,, there must be another, ,,,,,,,\%£
#@@£%%\-,, deeper and crispier night: ,,-\%%£@@#
@£%%%-,,,, \ \ ,,,,-%%%£@
£%%%%%\-,, @--------------------------@ ,,-\%%%%%£
##@@%%\-,, ,,-\%%@@##
@£££%%\-,, the kind of night where she reaches ,,-\%%£££@
#@@£%%\-,, down for your hand and says with a ,,-\%%£@@#
##@@£%%\-, smile, "let's blow up that satellite". ,-\%%£@@##
@@@£%%\-,, ,,-\%%£@@@
@@%%%%\-,, and there's stars and thunder and youre ,,-\%%%%@@
£%\,,,,,,, wearing a glittery translucent purple ,,,,,,,\%£
@@%%%--,,, spacesuit, all gooey looking, ,,,--%%%@@
@££%\\,,,, contrasted with her pearly white, ,,,,\\%££@
££%%%%\-,, ,,-\%%%%££
#@@£%%\-,, and you take the hand\ , , , , ,,-\%%£@@#
@£%%%-,,,, , , \ , ,,,,-%%%£@
#@@£%%\-,, , , , , ,,-\%%£@@#
@££%%%\-,, , \ , ,,-\%%%££@
##@@£%\-,, \ ,,-\%£@@##
@£%-,,,,,, , , ,,,,,,-%£@
##@£%%\-,, \ ,,-\%%£@##
@%%%\--,,, , ,,,--\%%%@
#@@£%%\-,, ,,-\%%£@@#
£%-,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,-%£
@%%%%--,,, ,,,--%%%%@
£%---,,,,, ,,,,,---%£
##@£%%\-,, ,,-\%%£@##