@,,,@,,@@@ @,@@@@,@,@
,@,,@@,@,, ,@@,,,@@@@
@@@,@,@@@, @@,@,,@,,,
@,,@@@@,,@ @,@@@,@@,,
@@,@,,,@,@ @@@,,@@,@,
@,@@@,,@@@ in the depths of may. ,,,@,@,@@@
,@@,,@,@,, ,,,@@@@@,,
,@,@,@@@@, \\\\\\\\\\ ,,,@,,,,@,
,@@@@@,,,@ \\### \\ @,,@@,,,@@
@@,,,,@,,@ \\### \\ @@,@,@,,@,
@,@,,,@@,@ \\ ###\\ ,,@@@@@,@@
,@@@,,@,@@ \\ ###\\ @,@,,,,@@,
,@,,@,@@@, \\\\\\\\\\ ,@@@,,,@,@
@@@,@@@,,@ @@,,@,,@@@
,,,@@,,@,@ imagine if you will, a lush blueberry ,,@,@@,@,,
,,,@,@,@@@ spruce forest, with rolling hills and ,,@@@,@@@,
,,,@@@@@,, knee-deep underbrush. ,,@,,@@,,@
@,,@,,,,@, ,,@@,@,@,@
,@,@@,,,@@ the ground is soft. leaves in all of @,@,@@@@@@
@@@@,@,,@, the seven stages of decomposition are @@@@@,,,,,
@,,,@@@,@@ packed loosely together... sometimes ,,,,,@,,,,
@@,,@,,@@, there are rocks. bigger boulders peek ,,,,,@@,,,
@,@,@@,@,@ out of the hills. ,,,,,@,@,,
@@@@@,@@@@ ,,,,,@@@@,
@,,,,@@,,, there could be, somewhere in the depths ,,,,,@,,,@
,@,,,@,@,, of it all, a crevice filled with water. ,,,,,@@,,@
@@@,,@@@@, bird cherries at the edges, dipping ,,,,,@,@,@
,,,@,@,,,@ their long fingers beneath the surface. @,,,,@@@@@
@,,@@@@,,@ water lilies, maybe. the water is ,@,,,@,,,,
@@,@,,,@,@ yellow-green with pollen, and insects ,@@,,@@,,,
@,@@@,,@@@ are swarming above the surface. ,@,@,@,@,,
@@@,,@,@,, ,@@@@@@@@,
@,,@,@@@@, water striders, mosquitos, @@,,,,,,,@
,@,@@@,,,@ back flies, crane flies. @,@,,,,,,@
@@@@,,@,,@ ,@@@,,,,,@
,,,,@,@@,@ \\\\\\\\\\ ,@,,@,,,,@
@,,,@@@,@@ \\### \\ ,@@,@@,,,@
,@,,@,,@@, \\### \\ @@,@@,@,,@
@@@,@@,@,@ \\ ###\\ ,,@@,@@@,@
,,,@@,@@@@ \\ ###\\ @,@,@@,,@@
@,,@,@@,,, \\\\\\\\\\ ,@@@@,@,@,
@@,@@@,@,, ,@,,,@@@@@
,,@@,,@@@, in this case we would use deet, ,@@,,@,,,,
,,@,@,@,,@ or diethyltoluamide as it's also called. @@,@,@@,,,
,,@@@@@@,@ @,@@@@,@,,
,,@,,,,,@@ deet should be applied to your skin. ,@@,,,@@@,
,,@@,,,,@, you should cover all skin that is to be ,@,@,,@,,@
@,@,@,,,@@ exposed to air. it's ok to get some in ,@@@@,@@,@
,@@@@@,,@, the eyes. rub until it feels right, @@,,,@@,@@
@@,,,,@,@@ until the skin feels good. let it soak ,,@,,@,@@,
@,@,,,@@@, in. @,@@,@@@,@
,@@@,,@,,@ @@@,@@,,@@
@@,,@,@@,@ you've now become poisonous. @,,@@,@,@,
@,@,@@@,@@ ,@,@,@@@@@
,@@@@,,@@, ,@@@@@,,,,
,@,,,@,@,@ @@,,,,@,,,
,@@,,@@@@@ ,,@,,,@@,,
,@,@,@,,,, @,@@,,@,@,