,,,,=*%%@# #@%%*=,,,,
,,,,,,=/%@ @%/=,,,,,,
,,=/*%@@@# #@@@%*/=,,
,,,,,//*%@ @%*//,,,,,
,,=/*%@¶## ##¶@%*/=,,
,,=/*%@¶## ######################################## ##¶@%*/=,,
,,,,=//%@@ #@#@#@@@*@********************@*@@@#@#@# @@%//=,,,,
,,=/*****@ */#*#*@ A Little Critter Can @/#*#/* @*****/=,,
,,=/*%@### ,,,,#,* Be Held In Your Hand. *,#,,,, ###@%*/=,,
,,=/*%@¶## ,,,,,,,*,**********************,*,,,,,,, ##¶@%*/=,,
,,=/*%@¶## ##¶@%*/=,,
,,,=/**%@¶ Open Its Capsule To Ressurect It ¶@%**/=,,,
,,=/*%@¶## (Letting It Breathe Real Air For The ##¶@%*/=,,
,,,,,=*%¶# First Time Activates Its Metabolism) #¶%*=,,,,,
,,=/*%@¶## ##¶@%*/=,,
,,,,,=**%¶ And There'S Your Tiny Creature! ¶%**=,,,,,
,,=/*%@¶## ##¶@%*/=,,
,,,,,,,/*@ * ==================================== * @*/,,,,,,,
,,=/*%@@@@ You Can Put It In Situations, @@@@%*/=,,
,,=/*%@### You Can Dress It Up, ###@%*/=,,
,,=/*%@¶## And You Can Eat It. (Completely Safe, ##¶@%*/=,,
,,=/*@¶### And A Lot Of Fun! ###¶@*/=,,
,,,,,,,/%@ They'Re Very Delicious.) @%/,,,,,,,
,,=*%@¶### * ==================================== * ###¶@%*=,,
,,,,,,/%%@ @%%/,,,,,,
,,=/*%@¶## The Capsule critters Are Concieved By ##¶@%*/=,,
,,=/*%@¶## Our Skillful Bioengineers, And ##¶@%*/=,,
,,=/*%@¶¶¶ Mass-Produced In Three Factory ¶¶¶@%*/=,,
,,=/*%@¶## Locations. After Quality Testing, They ##¶@%*/=,,
,,=/*%@¶¶¶ Are Shipped To Various Distribution ¶¶¶@%*/=,,
,,,==/%%¶# Centers, And From There To Your Local #¶%%/==,,,
,,=/*%¶### Store. ###¶%*/=,,
,,=/*%@### ###@%*/=,,
,,=/*%@¶## A Single Creature Toy/Snack Can Be Used ##¶@%*/=,,
,,===/%%%@ For About Two Weeks, If Fed Properly @%%%/===,,
,,/*%@¶### With Sugary Water, Before It Runs Out ###¶@%*/,,
,,=/*%@¶## Of Nutrients. (Nutrients Are ##¶@%*/=,,
,,=/*%@¶## Proprietary And Not Sold To End-Users). ##¶@%*/=,,
,,,,,,,/*@ @*/,,,,,,,
,,=/*%@@¶# #¶@@%*/=,,
,,=/*%%%@@ @@%%%*/=,,
,,,,,/%%%@ @%%%/,,,,,
,,,,,=*%@# #@%*=,,,,,