.§§.§.§§.§ .§.....§.§
§§.§§§§.§§ .§§....§§§
..§§...§§. §§.§...§..
..§.§..§.§ ..§§§..§§.
..§§§§.§§§ ..§..§.§.§
§.§...§§.. Access Consumer Dna ..§§.§§§§§
.§§§..§.§. ..§.§§....
.§..§.§§§§ Did You Know? Those People Are §.§§§.§...
.§§.§§§... Abstract. And With Enough Abstraction, .§§..§§§..
.§.§§..§.. Everything Becomes A Homogenous Mass. .§.§.§..§.
.§§§.§.§§. §§§§§§§.§§
§§..§§§§.§ Health Checkup, Border Control, Palm .......§§.
§.§.§...§§ Scan, Coming-Of-Age Ritual. Gather .......§.§
.§§§§§..§. Data, Gather Tissue. .......§§§
§§....§.§§ §......§..
§.§...§§§. We'Re Making A Delicious Dragon. We'Re §§.....§§.
§§§§..§..§ Force-Feeding It The Entire Human ..§....§.§
....§.§§.§ Genome. (It'S Not Cannibalism If Done §.§§...§§§
§...§§§.§§ By Proxy~) §§§.§..§..
§§..§..§§. ...§§§.§§.
§.§.§§.§.§ Feel The Girth Of The Hugging Snake! §..§..§§.§
.§§§§.§§§§ And I Am The Charmer. A Single Enetity, §§.§§.§.§§
§§...§§... Combined Oracle/Hunter. §.§§.§§§§.
§.§..§.§.. §§§.§§...§
.§§§.§§§§. ...§§.§..§
§§..§§...§ ...§.§§§.§
..§.§.§..§ ...§§§..§§
§.§§§§§§.§ ...§..§.§.