@@*^...... ......^*@@
@@@£@**~^. .^~**@£@@@
#@@£@**~^. .^~**@£@@#
##@£@**~^. .^~**@£@##
@@@£@**~^. .^~**@£@@@
@@£@**^... (Equisetum) ...^**@£@@
@@@@**~... ...~**@@@@
@@*~^^^^.. ..^^^^~*@@
@@@£@**~^. .^~**@£@@@
##@£@**~^. .^~*~^. The Plant .^~*~^. .^~**@£@##
£@**^..... .....^**@£
#@@£@**~^. The Equisetum Is A Plant Much Older .^~**@£@@#
££@@*~~^^. Than Ferns, Which Are In Turn Much .^^~~*@@££
@@@@*^.... Older Than Most Trees. It'S Light Green ....^*@@@@
@@@*^..... To Yellow In Color And Is Slightly .....^*@@@
#@@£@**~^. Transparent. .^~**@£@@#
#@@£@**~^. .^~**@£@@#
#@@£@**~^. The Plant Has A Spine. Each Vertebra Is .^~**@£@@#
£@*~...... Stacked Upon The Next, With Spokelike ......~*@£
@@£**~^... Ribs Radiating Outward. Even So, It'S ...^~**£@@
@@@**^.... Very Light, Being Hollow. It'S Roughly ....^**@@@
@£***^.... The Height Of A Foxes Tail, And Shares ....^***£@
£@*~...... A Similar Plumage. ......~*@£
£££***^... ...^***£££
@@@£@**~^. It Likes Partial Shade And Very Damp .^~**@£@@@
#@@£@**~^. Areas .^~**@£@@#
@££@*~^^.. ..^^~*@££@
##@£@**~^. .^~**@£@##
@@£@@**~^. .^~**@@£@@
@£@***~~^. .^~*~^. In Magic .^~*~^. .^~~***@£@
##@£@**~^. .^~**@£@##
#@@£@**~^. When A Colony Numbers High Enough, It .^~**@£@@#
£***~~.... Slices The Air In The Forest Into ....~~***£
@@@****~^. Separate Planes, A Few Centimeters In .^~****@@@
££@*~~^^.. Height. Time Can Get Diffracted In ..^^~~*@££
££££@**~^. These, Hitting Each In Turn In A .^~**@££££
@£££@**~^. Slightly Different Angle, And .^~**@£££@
@@*^^..... Eventually Spread Thin. .....^^*@@
##@@£@**~. .~**@£@@##
#@@£@**~^. .^~**@£@@#
#@@£@**~^. .^~**@£@@#
@@@£@**~^. .^~**@£@@@
#@@£@**~^. .^~**@£@@#