,,££,,,,,, £££,,,££,£
,£,£,,,,,, ,,£,,£,£££
££££,,,,,£ ,££,£££,,£
,,,£,,,,£, £,££,,£,£,
,,££,,,££, ££,£,££££,
,£,£,,£,£, Winds esker ,££££,,,£,
££££,££££, ======================================== £,,,£,,££,
,,,££,,,£, £,,££,£,££
,,£,£,,£££ There Was This Place That For Two Years £,£,££££,£
,££££,£,,£ I Couldn'T Go To. Regardless How Much ££££,,,£££
£,,,£££,£, Discussed With Others, Or Pointed Out ,,,£,,£,,£
£,,£,,££££ On Maps, I Could Not Think Of It When ,,££,££,£,
£,££,£,,,, Alone. I Would Often Travel Past The ,£,££,££££
££,£££,,,£ Fork, Where A Right Turn Would Surely £££,££,,,,
,££,,£,,££ Take Me There, But Even Then, Something ,,££,£,,,£
£,£,££,£,, Kept Me Away. ,£,£££,,££
££££,£££,, £££,,£,£,,
,,,££,,£,, When I Finally Got There, After Some ,,£,££££,£
,,£,£,££,£ Heavy Subconscious Battle I Must ,£££,,,£££
,£££££,££, Assume, The Place Was Surreal. An £,,£,,£,,£
£,,,,££,££ Esker, Like A Needle-Thin Rift Out In £,££,££,££
£,,,£,££,£ The Lake, But Ten Meters High And ££,££,££,,
£,,£££,££, Adorned In Birch, Willow, Bracken, And ,££,££,£,£
£,£,,££,£, Blueberries. £,££,££££,
£££,£,££££ ££,££,,,££
,,££££,,,, Walking Atop That Spine, I Came To ,££,£,,£,,
,£,,,£,,,, Notice The View To Either Side. There £,£££,££,,
££,,££,,,£ Should Be Shores, Of Course, But I ££,,££,£,,
,£,£,£,,££ Didn'T Recognize Them. First Off, They ,£,£,£££,£
££££££,£,£ Were Much Too Close, As The Lake Should £££££,,£££
,,,,,£££££ Stretch For A Hundred Meters More On ,,,,£,£,,,
,,,,£,,,,£ Both Sides. But Now I Felt I Could ,,,££££,,,
,,,££,,,££ Almost Reach Out And Touch Them. And ,,£,,,£,,,
,,£,£,,£,, Then, When I Realized Which Shores They ,££,,££,,,
,££££,££,, Were, I Had To Stop. £,£,£,£,,,
£,,,££,£,£ £££££££,,,
£,,£,£££££ They Were Of The Right Lake. But This ,,,,,,£,,£
£,£££,,,,, Lake Is Large, Fractured, And ,,,,,££,£,
££,,£,,,,, Bipartite. Like A Pair Of Lungs Carved ,,,,£,££££
,£,££,,,,, Into The Granite, And With No Less Than ,,,£££,,,,
£££,£,,,,£ Five Communities Anchored At Various ,,£,,£,,,,
,,£££,,,££ Points. And So, Studying These ,££,££,,,£
,£,,£,,£,£ Impossibly Close Shores, I Slowly £,££,£,,££
££,££,£££, Understood Them As Belonging Many Miles ££,£££,£,£
,££,££,,££ Away. ,££,,££££,
£,££,£,£,£ £,£,£,,,£,
££,££££££, I Examined The Ridge, The Treeline £££££,,£££
,££,,,,,£, Above. Was This What You Saw Opposite, ,,,,£,£,,,
£,£,,,,£££ From Those Other Shores? I Couldn'T ,,,££££,,,
£££,,,£,,£ Remember. ,,£,,,£,,£
,,£,,££,££ ,££,,££,£,
,££,£,££,£ Carrying Forward, On The Very Tip Of £,£,£,£££,
£,££££,£££ The Esker, I Found The Ruins Of Some ££££££,,£,
££,,,££,,£ Old Building. There Were Overgrown ,,,,,£,£££
,£,,£,£,£, Marble Staircases, Stone Floors Beneath ,,,,£££,,,
££,££££££, The Moss, And Strange Slabs Inserted ,,,£,,£,,,
,££,,,,,£, Into The Slope Like Dams Against The ,,££,££,,£
£,£,,,,££, Ground Itself. ,£,££,£,££
£££,,,£,££ £££,££££,,
,,£,,£££,£ Sitting There, I Could See Across The ,,££,,,£,£
,££,£,,££, Narrowed Lake My Entire Path To Where I ,£,£,,££££
£,£££,£,£, Sat: From The Stairwell Of My House, ££££,£,,,£
££,,££££££ Through The Old Woods Behind The Tile ,,,£££,,£,
,£,£,,,,,, Factory, The Bridge Over Route ,,£,,£,£££
££££,,,,,£ Twenty three And Then Back Under It, ,££,£££,,£
,,,£,,,,£, Through The Fancy Villas, Over The £,££,,£,£,
,,££,,,££, Fields, And Then That Right Turn At The ££,£,££££,
,£,£,,£,£, Fork. ,££££,,,£,
££££,££££, £,,,£,,££,
,,,££,,,£, And Then The Stairs Up On The Ridge. £,,££,£,££
,,£,£,,£££ Thinking Back, This Was Probably It. £,£,££££,£
,££££,£,,£ Hidden In A Grove, There Were Stairs ££££,,,£££
£,,,£££,£, Much Like The Ones I Currently Sat On, ,,,£,,£,,£
£,,£,,££££ Old And Worn Down, That Lead You Up ,,££,££,£,
£,££,£,,,, Onto The Esker. The Point Of Entry. Had ,£,££,££££
££,£££,,,£ I Insted Opted To Walk The Path At Its £££,££,,,,
,££,,£,,££ Foot, I'M Sure My Experience Would'Ve ,,££,£,,,£
£,£,££,£,, Been Different Indeed. ,£,£££,,££
££££,£££,, £££,,£,£,,
,,,££,,£,, ======================================== ,,£,££££,£
,,£,£,££,£ ,£££,,,£££
,£££££,££, On The Lake, There Were People In £,,£,,£,,£
£,,,,££,££ Boats. I Wondered, Could They Even See £,££,££,££
£,,,£,££,£ Me? If I Shouted, Would They Turn To ££,££,££,,
£,,£££,££, Stare Right Through Me? ,££,££,£,£
£,£,,££,£, £,££,££££,
£££,£,££££ ££,££,,,££
,,££££,,,, ,££,£,,£,,
,£,,,£,,,, £,£££,££,,
££,,££,,,£ ££,,££,£,,