,,@@,@@,@@ @@,@@@,,@@
@,@,@@,@@, ,,@@,,@,@,
@@@@@,@@,@ ,,@,@,@@@@
,,,,,@@,@@ ,,@@@@@,,,
,,,,,@,@@, ,,@,,,,@,,
@@@@@@,@@, ~~ ,,@,,@,,@,
,,,,,@@,@, $,@$,@$,@ ~,,~ ,$@,$@,$@ ,@@,@@,@@@
,,,,@,@@@, ,@ $@ @,@@,@@,,@
,,,@@@,,@@ @$ at first they think they hear a ,$ @@,@@,@,@@
,,@,,@,@,, $, bird, an elusive call they can't @, ,@@,@@@@,@
,@@,@@@@,@ ,@ place, and they will linger. lured $@ @,@@,,,@@@
@,@@,,,@@, @$ by the trills (we create synthetic ,$ @@,@,,@,,@
@@,@,,@,@@ $, trills to saturate and confuse the @, ,@@@,@@,@,
,@@@,@@@,@ ,@ senses) they edge nearer. until $@ @,,@@,@@@@
@,,@@,,@@@ @$ they are suddenly too close. then ,$ @,@,@@,,,@
@,@,@,@,,@ $, our full call in all it's majesty, @, @@@@,@,,@,
@@@@@@@,@, ,@ piercing them and enflaming a fake $@ ,,,@@@,@@@
,,,,,,@@@@ @$ love to drench all others! ,$ ,,@,,@@,,,
,,,,,@,,,@ ,@ $@ ,@@,@,@,,,
,,,,@@,,@, @$,@$,@$, $@,$@,$@, @,@@@@@,,,
,,,@,@,@@@ ~,,~ @@,,,,@,,,
,,@@@@@,,, $,@$,@$,@ ,$@,$@,$@ ,@,,,@@,,,
,@,,,,@,,@ ,@ $@ @@,,@,@,,,
@@,,,@@,@@ @$ and then, we quickly pull away ,$ ,@,@@@@,,,
,@,,@,@@,, $, that new love, and they shall be @, @@@,,,@,,@
@@,@@@,@,@ ,@ like moths, searching for any $@ ,,@,,@@,@@
,@@,,@@@@, @$ glimmer, anything to nurture this ,$ ,@@,@,@@,,
@,@,@,,,@, $, new and fiery need we instilled @, @,@@@@,@,,
@@@@@,,@@@ ,@ in their hearts. $@ @@,,,@@@,@
,,,,@,@,,, @$ ,$ ,@,,@,,@@,
,,,@@@@,,, $,@$,@$,@ ~,,~ ,$@,$@,$@ @@,@@,@,@,
,,@,,,@,,@ ~~ ,@@,@@@@@,
,@@,,@@,@, @,@@,,,,@,
@,@,@,@@@@ @@,@,,,@@,
@@@@@@,,,, ,@@@,,@,@@
,,,,,@,,,@ @,,@,@@@,,
,,,,@@,,@@ @,@@@,,@,,
,,,@,@,@,, @@,,@,@@,,