¨¤¤¤¤¨¨¨¨¨ ¨¨¤¤¤¤¤¨¤¤
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¤¨¤¨¤¨¨¨¨¤ @@~@@~@@~@@~@@~@@~@@~@@~@@~@@~@@~ ¤¨¤¤¤¨¤¤¤¨
¤¤¤¤¤¤¨¨¨¤ @@~ @@~ ¤¤¤¨¨¤¤¨¨¤
¨¨¨¨¨¨¤¨¨¤ @~@ Sucking Transformer @~@ ¨¨¨¤¨¤¨¤¨¤
¤¨¨¨¨¨¤¤¨¤ ~@@ ~@@ ¤¨¨¤¤¤¤¤¤¤
¨¤¨¨¨¨¤¨¤¤ ~@@~@@~@@~@@~@@~@@~@@~@@~@@~@@~@@ ¤¤¨¤¨¨¨¨¨¨
¨¤¤¨¨¨¤¤¤¨ ¤¨¤¤¤¨¨¨¨¨
¨¤¨¤¨¨¤¨¨¤ A Type Of Transformer (An Electrical ¨¤¤¨¨¤¨¨¨¨
¨¤¤¤¤¨¤¤¨¤ Component) Found Mainly Along Railway ¤¤¨¤¨¤¤¨¨¨
¨¤¨¨¨¤¤¨¤¤ Lines. They'Re Usually Mounted Halfway ¨¨¤¤¤¤¨¤¨¨
¨¤¤¨¨¤¨¤¤¨ Between The Rails And The Overhead ¨¨¤¨¨¨¤¤¤¨
¨¤¨¤¨¤¤¤¨¤ Powerlines. ¤¨¤¤¨¨¤¨¨¤
¤¤¤¤¤¤¨¨¤¤ ¨¤¤¨¤¨¤¤¨¤
¨¨¨¨¨¨¤¨¤¨ As Far As Transformers Go, These Are ¨¤¨¤¤¤¤¨¤¤
¤¨¨¨¨¨¤¤¤¤ ~Very Big~. Instead, Not As Many Are ¨¤¤¤¨¨¨¤¤¨
¤¤¨¨¨¨¤¨¨¨ Needed. Among All Rail-Adjacent ¤¤¨¨¤¨¨¤¨¤
¨¨¤¨¨¨¤¤¨¨ Artifacts/Symbols, They Belong To The ¤¨¤¨¤¤¨¤¤¤
¤¨¤¤¨¨¤¨¤¨ Rarer Kind. ¨¤¤¤¤¨¤¤¨¨
¤¤¤¨¤¨¤¤¤¤ ¤¤¨¨¨¤¤¨¤¨
¤¨¨¤¤¤¤¨¨¨ ~@@~@@~@@~@@~@@~@@~@@~@@~@@~@@~@@ ¤¨¤¨¨¤¨¤¤¤
¨¤¨¤¨¨¨¤¨¨ ¨¤¤¤¨¤¤¤¨¨
¨¤¤¤¤¨¨¤¤¨ The Railpeople Are In General Very ¨¤¨¨¤¤¨¨¤¨
¨¤¨¨¨¤¨¤¨¤ Secretive About Their Symbols And ¤¤¤¨¤¨¤¨¤¤
¤¤¤¨¨¤¤¤¤¤ Machines, So Also With The This ¤¨¨¤¤¤¤¤¤¨
¤¨¨¤¨¤¨¨¨¨ Transformer. What We Know Is What We ¨¤¨¤¨¨¨¨¨¤
¨¤¨¤¤¤¤¨¨¨ Can Observe. ¤¤¤¤¤¨¨¨¨¤
¤¤¤¤¨¨¨¤¨¨ ¤¨¨¨¨¤¨¨¨¤
¨¨¨¨¤¨¨¤¤¨ A Sucking Transformer Is Surrounded By ¨¤¨¨¨¤¤¨¨¤
¤¨¨¨¤¤¨¤¨¤ Two Signs, Both Around Twenty Four ¤¤¤¨¨¤¨¤¨¤
¨¤¨¨¤¨¤¤¤¤ Meters To Each Side Of It. Tranins Do ¤¨¨¤¨¤¤¤¤¤
¤¤¤¨¤¤¤¨¨¨ Not Stop Between These Signs During Any ¨¤¨¤¤¤¨¨¨¨
¤¨¨¤¤¨¨¤¨¨ Circumstances - If The Choice Is ¨¤¤¤¨¨¤¨¨¨
¤¤¨¤¨¤¨¤¤¨ Between Halting Within, Or Running Into ¤¤¨¨¤¨¤¤¨¨
¤¨¤¤¤¤¤¤¨¤ Another Train Just Outside, They Prefer ¨¨¤¨¤¤¤¨¤¨
¤¤¤¨¨¨¨¨¤¤ Colliding. ¤¨¤¤¤¨¨¤¤¤
¨¨¨¤¨¨¨¨¤¨ ¤¤¤¨¨¤¨¤¨¨
¨¨¨¤¤¨¨¨¤¤ Water Avoids Them. In Light Rain, The ¤¨¨¤¨¤¤¤¤¨
¨¨¨¤¨¤¨¨¤¨ Ground Closest To A Transformer Stays ¨¤¨¤¤¤¨¨¨¤
¤¨¨¤¤¤¤¨¤¤ Dry. A Common Sight Is A Creek Or ¤¤¤¤¨¨¤¨¨¤
¨¤¨¤¨¨¨¤¤¨ Stream Making A Half-Circle Detour. ¤¨¨¨¤¨¤¤¨¤
¤¤¤¤¤¨¨¤¨¤ Generally, Sucking Transformers Are Not ¤¤¨¨¤¤¤¨¤¤
¨¨¨¨¨¤¨¤¤¤ Placed Near To Larger Bodies Of Water. ¨¨¤¨¤¨¨¤¤¨
¨¨¨¨¨¤¤¤¨¨ ¨¨¤¤¤¤¨¤¨¤
¤¨¨¨¨¤¨¨¤¨ @~@@~@@~@@~@@~@@~@@~@@~@@~@@~@@~@ ¨¨¤¨¨¨¤¤¤¤
¨¤¨¨¨¤¤¨¤¤ ¨¨¤¤¨¨¤¨¨¨
¨¤¤¨¨¤¨¤¤¨ Their Function For The Rail Environment ¨¨¤¨¤¨¤¤¨¨
¨¤¨¤¨¤¤¤¨¤ Is Poorly Understood. They Seem To Pull ¨¨¤¤¤¤¤¨¤¨
¨¤¤¤¤¤¨¨¤¤ In Stray Fields And Electricities. ¨¨¤¨¨¨¨¤¤¤
¤¤¨¨¨¨¤¨¤¨ Superstition Exist That They Also ¤¨¤¤¨¨¨¤¨¨
¤¨¤¨¨¨¤¤¤¤ Affect Spirits, Gijinkas, And Even The ¨¤¤¨¤¨¨¤¤¨
¤¤¤¤¨¨¤¨¨¨ Souls Of Living Creatures. ¨¤¨¤¤¤¨¤¨¤
¨¨¨¨¤¨¤¤¨¨ ¨¤¤¤¨¨¤¤¤¤
¤¨¨¨¤¤¤¨¤¨ ¨¤¨¨¤¨¤¨¨¨
¤¤¨¨¤¨¨¤¤¤ ¤¤¤¨¤¤¤¤¨¨
¤¨¤¨¤¤¨¤¨¨ ¤¨¨¤¤¨¨¨¤¨
¤¤¤¤¤¨¤¤¤¨ ¨¤¨¤¨¤¨¨¤¤