@£££$==«^. .^«==$£££@
#@££$==«^. .^«==$££@#
£====«^... ...^«====£
#@££$==«^. .^«==$££@#
#@££$==«^. .^«==$££@#
£$$$=^^... @ £ = « . . « = £ @ ...^^=$$$£
£$=«^^.... # £ $ = ^ ^ = $ £ # ....^^«=$£
#@££$==«^. @ £ = « wetlands « = £ @ .^«==$££@#
@@££$==«^. # £ $ = ^ ^ = $ £ # .^«==$££@@
££==«^.... @ £ = « . . « = £ @ ....^«==££
#@££$==«^. .^«==$££@#
££$===««^. .^««===$££
££$=«..... the sea pretends to be a completely .....«=$££
#@££$==«^. flat surface spanning further than the .^«==$££@#
@£==«^.... thought of it, which is partially true. ....^«==£@
#@££$==«^. but outside of a map it is decidedly .^«==$££@#
@@££$==«^. more violent, being made up of vast .^«==$££@@
##@£$==«^. amounts of purposeful water, moving .^«==$£@##
£====^.... toward some secluded but important ....^====£
£======«^. destiny. .^«======£
##@££$=«^. .^«=$££@##
£$=«...... a permanent procession on land floods ......«=$£
££$==««... the earth, weathers the forests, and ...««==$££
££===«^^.. slowly submerges the green. but another ..^^«===££
@£=««^.... expanse is taking place, in the ....^««=£@
££$$$==«^. opposite direction - the animals that .^«==$$$££
##££$==«^. inhabit the dirt are building paths .^«==$££##
#@££$==«^. elevated above the mires, building .^«==$££@#
£$===«««^. temples at the waters edge, building .^«««===$£
£££$$==«^. dwellings in the reed... .^«==$$£££
£$==«^.... ....^«==$£
@£££$==«^. .^«==$£££@
££$=«..... .....«=$££
##££$==«^. .^«==$££##
£===«..... .....«===£
##@£$==«^. .^«==$£@##