...£.£££.£ £.£.£.££££
..£££..££. ££££££...£
.£..£.£.£. .....£..££
££.££££££. ....££.£.£
.££.....££ ...£.££££.
£.£....£.£ #...........# ..£££...£.
£££...£££. .£..£..£££
..£..£..££ morning quiet ££.££.£...
.££.££.£.. .££.£££...
£.££.£££.. #...........# £.££..£...
££.££..£.. ££.£.££..£
.££.£.££.£ i sit in my cubicle in the work mill .££££.£.£.
£.££££.££. and feel somewhat at peace - i've £...£££££.
££...££.£. entered a bright anomaly. morning £..£....££
.£..£.£££. liminality. £.££...£..
££.£££..££ ££.£..££..
.££..£.£.. #.# .£££.£.£.£
£.£.££££.. £..£££££££
££££...£.£ no one is here. there's dust in the £.£.......
...£..££££ air. a strong light shines through the £££......£
..££.£...£ windows, and turns the office into ..£.....££
.£.£££..£. something new. i pretend it's the sun. .££....£.£
£££..£.££. £.£...££££
..£.£££.£. i speak with the plants in my head. £££..£....
.£££..£££. they are getting too much water, or the ..£.££....
£..£.£..££ water they get is of dubious quality. .£££.£....
£.££££.£.£ £..£££...£
££...£££££ £.£..£..£.
.£..£..... £££.££.£££
££.££....£ ..££.££..£
.££.£...££ .£.££.£.£.
£.£££..£.£ £££.£££££.