&&$\\,,,,, ,,,,,\\$&&
@&§§§§\~,, ,,~\§§§§&@
##@&$§\~,, ,,~\§$&@##
@@@&$§\~,, ,,~\§$&@@@
###@&$§\,, ,,\§$&@###
@@$$§\\~,, day , dream , daydream ,,~\\§$$@@
##@&$§\~,, ,,, ,,, ,,~\§$&@##
#@@&$§\~,, ,,,, ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,, ,,~\§$&@@#
&&§~~,,,,, ,,,,,~~§&&
#&&§§~,,,, ,$ we are trying to figure out when $, ,,,,~§§&
@@@&$§\~,, ,$ the day is, really, because there $, ,,~\§$&@@@
@$\,,,,,,, ,$ are conflicting views on this $, ,,,,,,,\$@
##@&$§\~,, ,,~\§$&@##
##@&$§\~,, ,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,, , ,,,,, ,,~\§$&@##
###&$§\~,, ,,,, ,,, ,, ,,~\§$##
&$\\~~~~,, ,,~~~~\\$&
###@&§\~,, old school thinkers and worshippers ,,~\§&@###
##@&$§\~,, will say that the day starts when the ,,~\§$&@##
&§§~~~~,,, sun rises, because, you know, thats ,,,~~~~§§&
##@&$§\~,, true isn't it ,,~\§$&@##
@&$\\,,,,, ,,,,,\\$&@
#@@&$§\~,, boring people will say that the day ,,~\§$&@@#
##@&$§\~,, starts at eight and ends at five... ,,~\§$&@##
###@$§\~,, don't believe them ,,~\§$@###
@&&&$§\~,, ,,~\§$&&&@
##@&$§\~,, new school neuroatypical beings might ,,~\§$&@##
@@$$§~~,,, argue that the day starts when you wake ,,,~~§$$@@
@@@&$§\~,, up. ,,~\§$&@@@
@$$\\\~,,, ,,,~\\\$$@
##@&$§\~,, , ,,~\§$&@##
###@&$§\~, ,~\§$&@###
@$§\\,,,,, these are probably different concepts ,,,,,\\§$@
#@$\\\\~,, but the confusion is neat ,,~\\\\$@#
##@&$§\~,, ,,~\§$&@##
###&$§\~,, i mean you can be awake at night? ,,~\§$##
#&§\,,,,,, ,,,,,,\§
&$$§~~,,,, maybe it's only a day when you are ,,,,~~§$$&
#@$\\,,,,, awake to experience it, and then only ,,,,,\\$@#
##@&$§\~,, if the sun is up ,,~\§$&@##
#@&§§~,,,, ,,,,~§§&@#
##@&$§\~,, what if its cloudy? ,,~\§$&@##
##@&$§\~,, ,,~\§$&@##
@$$\~,,,,, ,,,,,~\$$@
##@&$§\~,, ,,~\§$&@##
##@&$§\~,, ,,~\§$&@##
@@&&$§\~,, ,,~\§$&&@@
#@&$\\~~,, ,,~~\\$&@#