.,-:%%£### ###£%%:-,.
...,,:%%£# #£%%:,,...
...,::%£## ##£%::,...
.,-:%%£### ###£%%:-,.
....-:%%## ##%%:-....
.,-:%%£### . # . ###£%%:-,.
.....,::%£ . # . # . £%::,.....
.....,-:%£ . . # . # . . £%:-,.....
.,-:%%£### . . . # . # . . . ###£%%:-,.
....,-%%%# first hit - in the stomach. and then in #%%%-,....
......-%££ the neck. # lights strobing ££%-......
.,-:%%£### , # in angel patterns # , ###£%%:-,.
....,:%££# , , # , , # , , #££%:,....
.,-:%%£### , , , , # , , # , , , , ###£%%:-,.
.,-:%%£££# , , , , , # , , # , , , , , #£££%%:-,.
.....-%£## body broken, bleeding, kicked again and ##£%-.....
.,-:%%£### again (now down on the concrete), ###£%%:-,.
.....,:%££ - # ribs cracked. # - ££%:,.....
.,-:%%£### - # - - - # - ###£%%:-,.
...,,,:%%£ - - # - - - # - - £%%:,,,...
.,-:%£#### - - - # - - - # - - - ####£%:-,.
.,-:%%£### consciousness rerouted into the ###£%%:-,.
.,-:%%£### escaping blood. mixed with the glow of ###£%%:-,.
.,-:%%£### the streetlights and carried away into ###£%%:-,.
.,-:%%£### the hands of the angel. . ###£%%:-,.
.,-:%%£### . , - : % % % : - , . ###£%%:-,.
..,,:%%%££ . , - : - , . ££%%%:,,..
.,-:%%£### . , - , . ###£%%:-,.
....,--%%£ she lifts her cupped hands to her £%%--,....
.....,,-%£ muzzle . . . and drinks. £%-,,.....
.,-:%%£### . # # # . ###£%%:-,.
.,-:%%£### . . . # # # . . . ###£%%:-,.
.....,,:%£ . . # . . £%:,,.....
.,-:%%#### ####%%:-,.
.,-:%%£### ###£%%:-,.
....,:%%£# #£%%:,....
.,-:%%£### ###£%%:-,.
,-:%%£#### ####£%%:-,