.^»\^$£### ###£$^\»^.
.^»\^$£### ###£$^\»^.
.^»»»»^$£# #£$^»»»»^.
.^»\^$£### ###£$^\»^.
.^»»»\^$$£ £$$^\»»»^.
...»»\$$$£ # £$$$\»»...
..^»»\^$## .lizardry ##$^\»»^..
.^»\^£#### » # ## ### ################## ####£^\»^.
...^»»\^£# ## the art of c^nnecting #£^\»»^...
.^»\$£#### . with the old mind ####£$\»^.
.^»\^$£### ###£$^\»^.
....»^^£££ my mind is being skewed. mi £££^^»....
.^»\^$£### skeleton is stringy and old and alien ###£$^\»^.
.....^\^££ the situation is literally ££^\^.....
.^»\^$££## pressed out through my eyes, it's ##££$^\»^.
......^\$£ echoing like £$\^......
..^^»»\^££ the sunset of the eternal ££^\»»^^..
.^»\^$#### ocean ####$^\»^.
.^»\^$£### persistently against my emulsion ###£$^\»^.
..^^^»\^££ ££^\»^^^..
.^»\^$£### it's ungraspable to me, what other ###£$^\»^.
......»\^£ humans are doing and abstracting, £^\»......
.^»^$£#### and above all else, what time they use? ####£$^»^.
.^»»»»\\$£ how long a time has passed, for them? £$\\»»»»^.
..^»»\^^$£ . £$^^\»»^..
..^^»^$$£# . ... . ................ ####### #£$$^»^^..
.^»\^^^$## continuously i'm crowding through ##$^^^\»^.
.^»\^$£### . the fourth wall ^outwards is what . ###£$^\»^.
......^»^£ .. i'm thinking but it's wrong.. a new £^»^......
.^»\^$£### . . narrator is introduced, occasionally ###£$^\»^.
...»»\^^$# ^ ^ aware of the previous one, deeper . #$^^\»»...
.^»\^$£### ^ ^ down in the dragons throat. ###£$^\»^.
......^\^£ ^ £^\^......
.^»\^$£### ^ ###£$^\»^.
.^»\^$£### ###£$^\»^.
.^»\^$£### ###£$^\»^.
.^»\^^^£## ##£^^^\»^.
....»\$$## ##$$\»....
...»\\\$£# #£$\\\»...
.^»\^$££## ##££$^\»^.