##@§£=;-,, ,,-;=£§@##
##@¤%†:~:. .:~:†%¤@##
¤&*†:...., ,....:†*&¤
#§†=,,,.¨. .¨.,,,=†§#
#$*=†~.,,. .,,.~†=*$#
##@@§&%^,, statuette ,,^%&§@@##
@#£*»:,¨¨, ,¨¨,:»*£#@
@¤£%£=*=,. §&¤$*§$%£$%%§$£$~«-»~-»»$$£&¤$@£%%@&*@§% .,=*=£%£¤@
##¶¤$=:«,¨ ¤£@$£*$@§ ¨,«:=$¤¶##
##@¤%$;«., ,.«;$%¤@##
##¶@£$*~:, forests around my childhood home. thick ,:~*$£@¶##
####%%:«., pine arcades that were planted and ,.«:%%####
£§†-.¨.,¨. forgotten. wild boars roaming .¨,.¨.-†§£
##@£@%/~^, underneath, sniffing at the ground. it ,^~/%@£@##
££@£§^*=~, is dark and moist, the canopy having ,~=*^§£@££
§§^=¨,.¨¨. already soaked up all the sun. .¨¨.,¨=^§§
@@§~,,,.¨, ,¨.,,,~§@@
###@&£%=», there's a river passing by, from east ,»=%£&@###
¤%^\^^^~.¨ to west, getting broader and deeper and ¨.~^^^\^%¤
@#&†~,.,¨, slower as it goes. equisetum grow just ,¨,.,~†@
#@@¤&%*~~¨ where the pine hands start to let ¨~~*%&¤@@#
@@#£%§=~:, through light, horsemint on the rocky ,:~=§%£#@@
@@@$:,,¨,¨ river bed. ¨,¨,,:$@@@
###@£$:«-¨ ¨-«:$£@###
££^:,,.¨¨¨ = ¨¨¨.,,:^££
#%~~¨,¨,.¨ ¨.,¨,¨~~%#
£¶#&%**-.¨ the riverbanks reek of magic. tonight ¨.-**%¶£
##@§*%*~~¨ they had been a swampworld with sylvan ¨~~*%*§@##
#¤*%*§/«.. water, stone rings and floating moss. ..«/§*%*¤#
###¶¤%;«,, you could've found me wallowing around ,,«;%¤¶###
##@@£*†»:. on the southern shores until i got .:»†*£@@##
£@*^..¨.,¨ bitten. ¨,.¨..^*@£
##@#&%\=-, ,-=\%@##
##@£§^\«.. but now i'm further back, on solid ..«\^§£@##
#¤§§%~~,¨, ground, in shoulder-high grass, with an ,¨,~~%§§¤#
£§§@¤%†~-. orange tin radio and a translucent .-~†%¤@§§£
#@¶@£=\«,, umbrella which i'm sitting on. ,,«\=£@¶@#
§%/†»¨,,,¨ ¨,,,¨»†/%§
##^~.¨¨,¨¨ : ¨¨,¨¨.~^##
##**=«=.¨, ,¨.=«=**##
#@@¤&†^»:. somethings moving in the grass. it's .:»^†&¤@@#
¶¤@*@=*»~, invisible to my eyes but i can feel ,~»*=@*@¤¶
£%*~«¨..¨, through the ground just how large it is. ,¨..¨«~*%£
#£%†~«:¨¨¨ ¨¨¨:«~†%£#
##@¤@==«., the soil is muddy. i slip when trying ,.«==@¤@##
££&%$-^¨,¨ to get up, still looking at the ¨,¨^-$%&££
####*†*«~¨ direction of sound rather than at my ¨~«*†*####
##£@*$*~,, hands, who are busy putting things in ,,~*$*@£##
#@#@*=*«,, my pockets. ,,«*=*@#@#
##@¤$^†«^, ,^«†^$¤@##
###¤%§:»^, then i run east toward my home. ,^»:§%¤###
#@#§£§^-^. .^-^§£§#@#
#@§**,^¨., ; ,.¨^,**§@#
£#£*^^;-,, ,,-;^^*£#£
##££&=:~,, i am not followed, and slow down in the ,,~:=&££##
@£@@$§\»~¨ clearing where you at first can spot ¨~»\§$@@£@
¶%%/,,.¨.. the house, not yet really in the ..¨.,,/%%¶
####%^;-^¨ backyard. from my pockets i retrieve my ¨^-;^%####
##@#@^*-,¨ radio (now dented) but also a small ¨,-*^@#@##
##¶§%=/=,. clay figure i've never seen before. it .,=/=%§¶##
#¤£†~..¨,¨ must have been laying in the wet dirt, ¨,¨..~†£¤#
##¶§£%:~:¨ and i must've picked it up with my ¨:~:%£§¶##
##£§§$*~~. other belongings. .~~*$§§£##
&&†«~-^~¨, ,¨~^-~«†&&
@§¤§=:~,,, it's a statuette of a girl laying naked ,,,~:=§¤§@
#@#&%§/=^, on her stomach, feet in the air, ,^=/§%@#
@@¶&$**«,, roughly seven centimeters long. it's ,,«**$&¶@@
¤¤$=,.¨¨,, freshly made, not yet completely dried. ,,¨¨.,=$¤¤
##@&$^†«,. .,«†^$&@##
££@§&%/»-¨ my mom is here now. i ask her for some ¨-»/%&§@££
#@$§»,.,,. particle board for it to dry on, but .,,.,»§$@#
###¤**=-~¨ she is worried and wants me to ¨~-=**¤###
#@##%%:»,, throw it away. ,,»:%%##@#
##@£¤%§=,, ,,=§%¤£@##
£%~-¨¨¨.,, ,,.¨¨¨-~%£
£§//-¨,¨¨. .¨¨,¨-//§£
@£%†-,.,.¨ ¨.,.,-†%£@
#@§*@†;~,, ,,~;†@*§@#
####§*;»~¨ ¨~»;*§####