####$†^~-, ,-~^†$####
###$†^~-,, ,,-~^†$###
##$†^~-,,, ,,,-~^†$##
#$†^~-,,,, ,,,,-~^†$#
$†^~-,,,,, ,,,,,-~^†$
@%†\-:¨¨¨¨ ¨ ¨ ¨¨¨¨:-\†%@
¶@%†\-:¨¨¨ : : ¨¨¨:-\†%@¶
#¶@%†\-:¨¨ \\ \\ ¨¨:-\†%@¶#
##¶@%†\-:¨ \-- two ways of being lost. --\ ¨:-\†%@¶##
#¶@%†\-:¨¨ \\\-----------------------\\\ ¨¨:-\†%@¶#
¶@%†\-:¨¨¨ :--- lost: ¨---\---¨ lost::--:: ¨¨¨:-\†%@¶
@%†\-:¨¨¨¨ :not knowing where : forlorn, unfit : ¨¨¨¨:-\†%@
%†\-:¨¨¨¨¨ : you are, unable : for some purpose,: ¨¨¨¨¨:-\†%
@%†\-:¨¨¨¨ :: to backtrack, : unredeemable, -: ¨¨¨¨:-\†%@
¶@%†\-:¨¨¨ : on willowed ways -\- and strange. - ¨¨¨:-\†%@¶
#¶@%†\-:¨¨ \\\----------------------------\\\\\ : ¨¨:-\†%@¶#
##¶@%†\-:¨ : we're coming up on the last night -: ¨:-\†%@¶##
#¶@%†\-:¨¨ :in teh forest dome... i am relocating : ¨¨:-\†%@¶#
¶@%†\-:¨¨¨ : closer to the work mill... ¨ ¨¨¨:-\†%@¶
@%†\-:¨¨¨¨ ¨ ¨ ¨¨¨¨:-\†%@
%†\-:¨¨¨¨¨ i don't trust the shamans operating ¨ ¨¨¨¨¨:-\†%
@%†\-:¨¨¨¨ the digiflesh tranference network... my ¨¨¨¨:-\†%@
¶@%†\-:¨¨¨ bike is not allowed in the tunnels in ¨¨¨:-\†%@¶
#¶@%†\-:¨¨ from the forest dome (smuggling ¨¨:-\†%@¶#
##¶@%†\-:¨ charges)... it's too far to go by ¨:-\†%@¶##
#¶@%†\-:¨¨ foot... ¨¨:-\†%@¶#
¶@%†\-:¨¨¨ ¨¨¨:-\†%@¶
@%†\-:¨¨¨¨ so an urban dome it is... for me... ¨¨¨¨:-\†%@
%†\-:¨¨¨¨¨ not a prosperous one, not an important ¨¨¨¨¨:-\†%
@%†\-:¨¨¨¨ one (for several decades at least), but ¨¨¨¨:-\†%@
¶@%†\-:¨¨¨ a rough and somewhat peculiar ¨¨¨:-\†%@¶
#¶@%†\-:¨¨ collection of abandoned housing ¨¨:-\†%@¶#
##¶@%†\-:¨ projects. and the likewise abandoned ¨ ¨:-\†%@¶##
#¶@%†\-:¨¨ attempts to unify it with ¨¨:-\†%@¶#
£@@%^«-,¨. , the rest of the domes. ., .¨,-«^%@@£
#%$;=~,.,. ... , ,:^,. .,.,~=;$%#
$^/»-.,¨., ,^= yah... last night... -,- ,.¨,.-»/^$
@£=:»~¨,,. .:- sleep well, forest dome. ^:, .,,¨~»:=£@
¶@@**~,¨¨¨ ,,^.,-=-~=-~»~»«~=-~»~:,,:~, ¨¨¨,~**@@¶
###$%†»:¨, ,¨:»†%$###
###¤£†;=:. .:=;†£¤###
@@§£%;«-,¨ .,¨¨..¨¨.,..¨¨¨ ¨,-«;%£§@@
£#&*=-.¨.. . inarizushi... ,.,.¨.¨¨¨ ..¨.-=*£
¤@*/-^.,¨¨ .¨.¨¨. fox ear sushi... , ¨¨,.^-/*@¤
&*†~..,¨.¨ .,.¨,..¨,.¨¨¨,.¨,¨ ¨.¨,..~†*&
§&*†».¨.,. .,.¨.»†*&§
#¤@**-~¨¨, ,¨¨~-**@¤#
#@&¤*;«,¨¨ ....¨,¨,.,..,,,, ¨¨,«;*¤&@#
#@@§$*=~,. , whisker job... ¨ .,~=*$§@@#
@£#£%=~^¨, ,,..,¨¨.,,,¨,,¨¨ ,¨^~=%£#£@
¶@*%†~,.¨, ,¨.,~†%*@¶
£%=^»,,¨.¨ ¨.¨,,»^=%£
*^=~,¨¨¨.. ..¨¨¨,~=^*
&¤*;~~..,. .,..~~;*¤&
@§%†\~.¨¨. .¨¨.~\†%§@
#@¤%†:»~., .,,¨¨.¨..¨.¨.,.,.,,¨., ,.~»:†%¤@#
#@££¤%†~,. , eating glowsticks... ¨ .,~†%¤££@#
#¶¤£%*«..¨ ¨.,...,...¨¨¨,¨¨¨¨,¨¨¨ ¨..«*%£¤¶#
#&%%*~~.¨¨ ¨¨.~~*%%
§$%\-,,..¨ ¨..,,-\%$§
£^\«-¨¨¨¨. .¨¨¨¨-«\^£
&%*;=-.,,¨ ¨,,.-=;*%&
@#£†;-.¨.. ..¨.-;†£#@
###*$†»,¨, ,¨,»†$*###
###§$$:«,. .,«:$$§###
#¶#$§\»,,. .¨.,¨¨..,,¨..¨,¨..¨,,,.,¨, .,,»\§$#¶#
@§$^:~^,,, ¨ dissolving the belly ... , ,,,^~:^$§@
#**:»,.,¨. ¨,¨¨ dissolving the skin ¨ .¨,.,»:**#
$%^~-,,¨¨, ¨.¨. ,..¨.. ,¨¨,,-~^%$
@&%\~-¨,¨, ,, phosphorous entrails ¨ ,¨,¨-~\%&@
¶§£§:~:,.¨ . flowing out onto ¨.¨.,¨ ¨.,:~:§£§¶
@¶§§%^«,.. ,. the asphalt ,¨. ..,«^%§§¶@
##@#§=*~:. ¨,,,.,,.,.... .:~*=§#@##
#£&£%;=,¨¨ ¨¨,=;%£&£#
£££$^«^.¨, ,¨.^«^$£££
§**†~...,. .,...~†**§
*%*~,¨¨,¨, ,¨,¨¨,~*%*
§$%\»^...¨ ¨...^»\%$§